Yayyy!! Finally getting my car fixxed this arvo.
New alternator - supply & fit - $200
Well i guess its better than driving it the way it is. Saturday night/sunday morning driving home was great fun.
Interior lights started to get dim first, ok not so bad, doing 80km down south rd at 4am, car was running pretty shit....then all of a sudden my headlights turned off, was pitch black put on the brakes, pulled over...thought ok..i'll suss the high beams. they worked, obviously not very high though...
Driving home, about 3km from my house. went to turn a corner, flicked on the indicator and my car nearly friggin stalled!!! Was like sh*t! Turned that off quickly and was like "ok now i can't indicate"...
My friggin speedo then stopped working (was going 0km apparently ) as did my RPM thingy...3 streets away from my house now, turning another corner and the car packed up and died. completely switched off just made it round the corner...rolled it to the curb lol and jumped it using my battery jump starter thingy.
Then decided, ok, its 4am, no cars on the road, f**k it, im driving home with no lights or indicators
Just made it home
Put it on charge overnight....drove it the next day to work - wasn't too bad. then went down to the esplanade at seaford...took some photos...and was driving home at night...car only just made it home then too. interior and headlights got majorly dull...didnt experience almost stalling or anything as bad haha.
So thank god its getting bloody fixxed! I've missed my stereo for the past week. Draws too much power