car was imported this year
series 2 r33 gtst
4sp Auto gearbox $500
a/c control $120
ABS brake master cylinder $100
ABS unit $100
Auto Diff $280
Auto gear stick surround $30
Auto tail shaft $150
b pillar covers (pair) $40
back bumper $150
boot seal $30
carpet $100
center light $20
Centre console $50
cluster surround $50
driver door with glass and motor $200
driver mirror $50
driver side door frame and seal $50
Driver Side Headlight $250
Driver Side Mirror With Glass $60
front map light $50
Hood Lining $50
indicator stalk $50
Instrument cluster (auto) $150
passanger door frame and seal $50
passanger side kick panel $50
Radiator support $200
rb25 throttle cable $30
rear corner windows (pair) $150
rear door trims (pair) $100
rear handles (pair) $50
Rear seats $100
rear sway bar $50
rear view mirror $30
rear window $150
S2 Dash surround with clock, hazard switch and demister switch $90
S2 dash with air bag and panel $400
s2 roof liner $100
scuff plates $30
seatbelts (full set) $150
Standard Rb25 BOV $30
Stock airbox $30
tail lights (pair) $300
washer stalk $50
White boot with holes for GTR wing $100
white fuel cap $20
white rear garnish $70
also have interior trim items!
prices are negotiable!