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Everything posted by NismoSTune

  1. I have a seat of clean autech 260rs front seats I'd like to sell but aren't sure what they're worth. Not looking to fetch premium, just the fair market value so I can buy bride seat rails. please move if it's the wrong section.
  2. WTB GTS4 front pinion and ring gear. Somehow chipped a tooth on my front diff gear... Anyone have a front GTS4 ring and pinion to sell? I forget what the ratio is but it's around 4.36 or 4.4:1 but it has to be from a gts4 so I don't have to guess what is compatible. Will pay shipping. Located in Canada.
  3. I'd like to check out this build. There's gonna be some sick parts to support these little guys. Do you have a build thread somewhere?
  4. New engine, seized 2 seconds after first start Brand new engine failed and stalled within 2 seconds. Would not restart. Mechanic found the engine wouldn't turn by hand/wrench. Found the exhaust camshaft is seized. number 1 cap nearest the cam gear is wrecked.Couple bent valves and a shredded timing belt (from the skipping). I suspect a few things like the cap was replaced or misplaced, torque sequence, or timing belt tension too high but I'm not the mechanic. Any thoughts? Specs don't matter but this is a big build. Engine is all new.
  5. Yeah. We're about to have our third kid which I didn't have any when I started this build but every time it slows me down. Hopefully I don't part out. Would love to get into a Focus RS though, cheaper and warranty lol
  6. Where's all the twins at?!?!?!!? Here's my lump of coal. Scooped these baddies up in 2012 and they got installed just 3 months ago. Long story short this build has been in the toilet since 2011 and has gone through 2 builds which neither lasted. These 5 year old turbos ran for 2 seconds (total time since purchase lol) just a few days ago, literally, and the tomei engine failed due to seized exhaust cam on bearing cap 1. Anyway, maybe some day I'll have dyno charts for them. Don't mind all the colors, ran out of budget for paint lol.
  7. My tuner will be working on my efr car in the next month or so and in the past they've mentioned having problems with boost creep/spikes. They went to the turbosmart dual ports on other cars which seems to have fixed the problems but I don't know if they stuck it out with closed loop. I went with the dual port actuator ahead of time to save the trouble. Are you in an elite or PP haltech? What kind of duty are you seeing?
  8. Tomei 2.8. 87mm slugs, 8.5 or so cr. Tomei head (+1mm valves, springs, 290x11.5mm,etc) Twin 6258 No graph. Hasn't run in almost 4 years bahaha Edit: ppg 1-5 Helidogbox
  9. Glad to hear you did a good lap, I was watching to see how you'd do this year and you shaved some time from last year. You improve every time! I have the same turbos and different transmission so it's good to see those do well. Awesome that it pulls well. Interesting that the powertune driver would notice a difference with a weaker top end.
  10. Geoff, I recall seeing this build data some time ago and seeing over 800whp but which waste gate cans were used and how stable was the boost? Any creep or spikes?
  11. Geoff you mean 2 boost controllers and 2 waste gates... right? Not 1 and 2? Each turbo has its own solenoid is what I was told when I bought the twins, not 1 solenoid that splits to 2 turbos...
  12. 2 dual port controllers would be annoying on twins
  13. odd that this tuner would have nothing but problems steadying any IWG from EFRs... I have the stiff cans yeah.
  14. So on the topic of the efr wastegates I've been hearing more feedback from local tuners who struggle to have no boost creep or have unstable boost at whatever Desired setting and blade the efr wg. The builder/tuner is now pushing to change to the turbo smart actuators stating that they are just right. Why isn't anyone else reporting these issues? Also looks like it's a very tight fit fit with the efr actuators, will the turbosmart fit twins on the gtr? As for turbo selection, I wasn't going after big power but my build took a few turns which is why I asked about the larger housings. I am after the low and mid range power.... I did not select the cams. I run: Tomei 2.8 short block (n1) Tomei +1mm valves along with all their head upgrades and 290 deg 11.5mm lift cams Ppg 1-5 helidog gear box and so on So obviously it's too late to try and sell my turbos in favor of larger ones (hough they are new, people rarely buy 2 efrs at once) but I'm also not after huge power. So I should be OK with the smaller 6258 then... I'd be happy with 600whp.
  15. I too am curious how the .64 and .85 compare in general. I have the .64 and would consider .85 if I didn't get enough out of the .64 but going with 6758 or 7163 twins sounds nuts. too late to convert for me now.
  16. You have a badass setup and 700+whp turbo kit and you want to cheap out on the fuel rail?
  17. You should totally go twin err 6758!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. it's like ditching your 25 year old r32 for a new gtr. big upgrade.
  19. Curious to see how the 6258 EFRs will hold up compared to the new garrett (mexicanhoneywell) GTX2860R turbos which are "bolt on"
  20. I run an accusump (canton 3 qt), tomei oil pump and rips oil pan. I feel as though the accusump was a wasted $600 kit as if I have a problem now it would have to be catastrophic and the accusump wouldn't matter after it's empty, it would still fail. The other down side is my oil capacity is near 13L so it gets expensive when running oils like motul...
  21. John, what are you you running in your gtr anyway? You inspired me to go twin efr a few years ago but I never really know your whole story
  22. I dunno how it drives, how much power (91 octane here is poo) Or anytbing. Hant run in nearly 3 years.I didn't want the drag head but it was a good deal, new, and I was convinced it wouldn't be so bad.............. Honestly I wanted at biggest 280/10.8 cams so if it ever runs (justneed to assemble and install) and I don't like the drag cams I'll switch them out. Got a feeling the angry cams will wear things out fast. Kids change your finances and priorities don't they? This car is prett much a memory sitting on stands for years.
  23. Sorry piggaz.... no graph. Twin 6258 EFRs, tome 2.8L (w/ recesses), +1mm valves, 290deg/11.8 cams, ppg helical 1-5, os giken diffs, carbonetic clutch and other stuff. Currently upgrading from viper v44 to haltech plat-pro
  24. I run dirty cams with muh eeeffurrr. 290 11.8mm lift tomei procams haha Lagster indeed.
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