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Everything posted by NismoSTune

  1. Well i understand then. If you're luck you won't need a custom manifold (or EFR specific one)
  2. I don't understand. They have the 6258, 6758, 7064, 7670 and 8374 available in T3.... I'm a follower of the IWG but do you really need the EWG to kick some ass... Really? They have many different models but people always seem to want what isn't produced. Can't win. I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed with the IWG, even if you're a hater, you'd be surprised. Less piping too. But really if you're gonna want a large EWG turbo (guessing you want 500whp?) but want the small frame spool, you should look into a stroker kit, rb25 or even rb30........
  3. How bout...... TWIN T3 6258 and dial the boost down a little... Lol
  4. That "Y-raw" is SICK!!!!!!! I checked out that evo forum link... doesn't seem like many of them are convinced and even go as far and piss on the idea. Then again, most of the world seems to think like that, till they get one! lol I'm curious, will the Indy cars be running twin 6758 or larger?
  5. Ah true true. You know a thing or 2 about these. Which EFR are you running (or will be)?
  6. Hmm for some crazy reason, I thought your engine bay was green and your turbos black! Still sick looking! Good luck at the wtac sir! We need more EFRs kickin butt there (other than the nemo car, the Sierra Sierra was fast and the advan gtr was quick)
  7. Doesn't a 2.8 vost more than a 30 (I heard they can handle much more power when stock, more so than rb26)
  8. Honeywell.... Urgh, their electrical/electronic side of the business are such PITAs and can be a nuisance to work with. Hope they maintain Garrett's good ethics rather than push honeywell's ideas into its turbo world. I wonder why IZOD decided to go twin instead of all single, is it because the singles were waxing the twin turbo cars (seems that 95% of the world knows singles are just better in everyday)... As for the twin boost controllers you mentioned earlier Geoff, how are those wired? 1 ecu output and both wired in parallel or 2 ecu outputs needed for the dual controllers? Any awesome pictures of a completed twin EFR kit? I see lots of pics but always in the building stage with no intake pipes or anything. Exciting to see some real numbers now that there's so many on the street now but they're all r34s I think?
  9. I dunno, my tomei exhaust is too quite, all I hear is gearbox in my gtr
  10. I agree. IWG and No/recirc blow off valve is best for street unless you're into that stuff. Then again, my PPG dog is louder than my exhaust.... But I'd guess the EWG is best for track car. If your car is mainly street (and even more so if its your only car), keep it simple. IWG
  11. Sorry to bring this up again... I'm curious what size of intake filters these cars were able to fit. Twin 3"? 3.5"? 4"? They appear crowded in so I wonder how much intake piping they could fit.
  12. AEM!!! urgh. Why not pectel sq6? Then again I run a vipec lmao. dual boost controllers eh? is there no chance of having one lead/lag and causing issues? I'd imagine its 1 more thing that can go wrong but I don't know. theyd be wrired in parallel or series?
  13. Geoff, I see both boost controllers are connected but in reality only one will be in use and T'd to both turbos correct? I could be wrong but they look fairly larger than the 6258, more than I would have thought anyway! I would have seen the 67s do nicely on a 30 (or even stroked 30) but does he expect some lag/high rpm kind of power? What's his expectations? 750-800whp? Is that the car going to WTAC? Or is this another?
  14. Ah gotcha. That's very impressive! As for cobraa's comment: "My other comment would be great if you could make a complete kit instead of a kit that need more modification and fabrication" That would be cool indeed but then the already "expensive kit" could go up another $500-1500 (depending if you meant intake pipes, filters and hoses/fittings) And as full race has already said at some point, there are already plenty of good downpipea and what not out there so they focused on the required parts that weren't available, or something like that
  15. Not bad numbers (at engine...?)! I've been living under a rock, I thought XS engineering closed doors years ago lol silly me
  16. Yeah I dunno. With the hks pipes, turbos, hoses manifolds and outlets I recall I was still under $4k but that was chasing the optimal power and potential out of them. But yeah they're old technology now haha..
  17. I guess I can't say the piping is the culprit but after changing the manifolds, dump pipes, downpipe and intake pipes it went away. The tomei/hks treatment seemed to have worked. I dunno. Ah, the keeper's r34 is the blue one? I recall seeing a video on a blue r34 with twin 6258s a few years ago I think, could be wrong, seemed to be on low boost doing a small 4th gear pull
  18. Indeed the Garrett twins shuffle, due to the pipe design mostly. When I went with the HKS SPL pipping kit it 100% went away but the kit was like $1500 with intercooler pipes. Which is for sale now because I changed turbo setup. We just need more people showing their EFR setups!!! So few show up on searches Geoff, how's the latest r32 twin 6258 going (I think I heard you guys were working on one?)
  19. Hmm something precision or EFR 6758
  20. Man the precision turbos appear to be the best bang for the buck. I know EFR and VGT are newer but you can't deny living proof!
  21. Another thing that don't seems to be discussed much is : What else do you need for a single to fit there ? custom 3 inch intake ? 4" at least. Twins run 2x 3" only one ? Why would you need 2... what you do with the twin maf setup ? You probably could run 2 intakes and mafs but why not run speed density instead I know the twin needs to relocated the PS reservoir, how about the single option ? Twins: relocated ps reservoir, r33 gtr ps pump, no AC (r34 compressor with custom lines maybe) and customs intakes. Single: relocated ps reservoir, I forget if the r32 ps pump was ok or not, I think I heard the r34 AC is ok. and it also need, obviously, a custom 3 inch or 3.5 inch single exhaust ? 3.5 minimum. re-route, make custom water/oil lines for everything ? Yup. Twin kit runs about $500-800 in earls hoses/fittings for a clean fit. Single is 300-500 bov built-in turbo = no more pssshh ? Yup, no ricer pssh pssh have your actual bov deleted ? Would be pointless not to. Keeping it means more leaks are possible Althought theses turbos have been out for 24 months approx. only very few setup are known ( after quite a few research on rb's forum) most people can't afford a turbo 4-8000 kit when there are much much cheaper options that are nearly as good.
  22. Wasn't Geoff (fullrace) pushing 702whp on pump gas and a stock rb26?
  23. If you can reliably support and run the 8374 (and its in the power range you need it to be, not want) then I'd go for that one. As for the stock engine and 700whp, I wouldn't put that as a reliable bench mark as there aren't many stock bottom ended early 32s rolling around with that kind of power, for long. What are you using the car for? Drag, road course? Rb28 or rb30? The 7670 imo would be awesome for street and autocross and more fun than a 700-900whp street driven ego pumper. If you do want high power, I'd toThe cheaper route (other than the stroker rb30) and check out precision, cheaper and just as strong which has endless amounts of proof out there (such as 3/4 of the gtr entries in the wtac this year) The 7670 appears to be comparable to -9s no? If you aren't pushing for 700whp and up, why keep the lag so to speak. Get the 550-600whp 7670 (or whatever it is) and peak it out while having great response. It's also a little cheaper installed, like only $4-5k instead of more
  24. On paper twin turbos could look like 2x the flow (like 88 ib) but I'm reality it isn't like that. I have a few engineering (mechanical and te other specializes in auto) and they continually remind me and show calculations and talk about real World findings that 2 turbos together won't add to the exact output of both. Much like running a single Bosch 044 and twinning it won't double the output capacity. The 8374 on paper flows less than the twin 6258 but doesn't mean it's gonna flow less. Doesn't mean much but geoff's rb26 (not stroked like bright's car with twin 6258) made something like 702awhp on an 8374 IWG compared to 677hp on twin 6258, again, meaningless since no 2 cars are the same nor are Dynos
  25. Ok yeah I'll buy that but the thing is, the oil pump isn't at the T (where the Check valve should be), it's through the filter, cooler, back and so on... Maybe 1L? So in order for the oil to 100% go into the engine, I'd have to lose a L, so to speak.
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