What happen is that i just got my power fc and avc-r install by the professional (recommended) workshop. Quite impress with the result at 210 krw, to cut the story short. While driving home the car stall on me. Can't start... tow the car back home. A friend look at it's for a number of hours looking at the fuel pump, battery, alternator, starter motor seem to be fine. He then tested all the fuses underneath the right hand steering colum using a multi-meter and found 1 of the fuse been burn
Crank up the car and it's seem to start up... We notice that the check "engine" picture appear on the display. Quickly he turn the car off then on again after a fews minutes... Coincidently one of the spark die so we just left it there to continue tommorrow.
My question while we got the car start it's again, but other problem start to happen... could it's be after the car been tune the car is running too rich/ to lean or there is a serious short circuit somewhere in the electrical area?
PS. At the dyno place the old NGK iridium die, so they replace with platinum serie. We have try to put the old ECU back, but it's dosent seem to start... wonder why????????
Any advice will become valuable... much appreciated!