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Everything posted by sweetr33

  1. so what car do u want
  2. subs straight up?? Sheesh he's keen for the doof doof aye.
  3. wb rb25
  4. So what is it that u wanna do chief
  5. so not washing cars anymore?? Matey whats going on.
  6. dude u got alot of posts aye. U must come on here alot. I must admit since joining the forum i enjoy it quite abit. there are alot of brains here so problems are usually solved by norms that just have had the same problem or guru's who have been around to witness it before
  7. i aint cold here. Its quite good at the moment temp wise. Just marginally bearable before the "gee its cold" comment comes into play
  8. thats me hehe
  9. zzzzzz... huh what oh
  10. apprentice guru
  11. u guys guru's?
  12. boredom
  13. who u talking to?? i am confused
  14. yeah i got msn. bridgeportrx3@hot.....
  15. where on the coast u at clint
  16. i never even went into this wasteland talk coz i didnt know what the heck it was about. But once i was in i have kept coming back as of like a week or maybe not that long.
  17. i gotz a long way to go before i am anywhere near being there
  18. yeah im keen for a cruize sometime
  19. hey nismoman
  20. well i hope it helps champ
  21. TURBO
  22. oh there ya go. Using those washing car skills at home i see. very good matey hehe i bet your mum was pleased
  23. also heard that to reset the ecu you disconnect the battery and leave it disconnected for 24hours and reconnect it but i pressume that using the brake pedal and lights to drain the power out and doing it that way would still reset the ecu and is a heck of alot quicker
  24. disconnect the battery and push the brake pedal afew time turn lights on whatever just to drain the resuming power from the system. Then reconnect the battery and the computer should be reset and re learn some sutff. Apparently it should be done after each engine mod so the computer can make the most outta it.
  25. yeah saturday was ok for me. cant remember what i did come to think of it
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