did u change the power fc setting to suit q45 throttle body?? car wont produce white smoke from exhaust from condensation, it'll be a mist or steeam....
i dont see how, cork is pourus(spelling) so going to leak after awhile, did a full gasket change on a hr with 186 engine and came back in for first service after change and had oil everywhere, haha...shit
i havent seen knocked up but thought it would be humerous.. haha@weetbix for headgasket.... no worse than old cork valve cover gasket n sump gaskets i suppose..
and premature build requirements on a ca, had endless ca's with headgasket issue, could be due to the fact that most are 15yrs old n well an engine that old isnt going to have the best gasket material quality
i am a skyliner but a mate of mine has an SR and its goes very well, so not sure i agree....
and about the meeting in bris...im on the goldy, bit far to go to buy and iron n parade around the streets with my newly purcahsed iron
i like the rb26 crank upgrade as ive done the same hehe but this was 3 years ago and the rb30/twin cam thing wasnt as well advertised then as it is now so in away im spewin i didnt go that way, but at same time am happy with results so far with 2.6 crank... i would prob recommend going for rb30/twincam setup. roughly same costs and benifits from wat ive heard are well worth it....
if engine is apart then i think do asmuch as u can afford.. saves alot of headache later.... stock rods might handle 280kw but wat if the need for more power is felt and then this forged motor with stock rods are now hampering the potential?? seems like alot of wasted money pulling engine apart to fit rods when could have been done when engine was apart first time... my thoughts anyway