I went to Sydney to look at a few 99 R34 V Spec GTR's with a mate today he picked one out and we took her for a 'test drive'.
The car started fine idled fine, didnt blow smoke, wasn't running rich when cold, everything seemed great.
We hopped in went for a spin and from 2-4k rpm in any gear when cruising. It was coughing and farting like a $200 TX gemini running on sugared unleaded, but when giving it a squirt & hitting boost at 4k rpm the misfiring disapeared & it pulled nice and hard to 7-8k rpm.
Most cars that I have either heard of having misfiring occurs when the car hits boost at 4-5k rpm on a hot day, but this thing as soon as it hit boost smoothed out and pulled hard to redline in 1-2nd gear and idle smoothly also...
The car looks to have a genuine 25000 kays (its in mint condition) and just has minimal mods (pod filters, hks exhaust from the turbo) as far as we are aware its running stock boost, stock turbos and a stock ecu.
Obviously the car has been sitting around for 6 months or maybe more, and may just need a new fuel filter plugs and a new tank of juice.
Could a fuel pump cause this problem? coilpacks? timing? loose i/c hose clamps?
The car is booked for a full checkup on Wed, but it would be good to hear if any other forum members have had similiar problems?