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Everything posted by Ricochet

  1. good ideas guys, i'l be there, got a few mates with silvias and cefiros that will come too.
  2. ive got quite a few comin already, spreadin the word and got alone about 20 odd, would be a good idea to post on silwa and antilag and even perth street scene to get some numbers up, sounds like an epic cruise. points for best burnout on the night??? hahahaha
  3. sounds good, hopefully i'l have my new turbo and injectors by then, waitin on apprenticeship wage top up
  4. why in gods name was the only skylines there part of antilag??? maybe get in early for next year and get a sauwa tent set up???
  5. this cruise should be good, sounds like the maps gonna be good and it will be my first cruise to the hills. il be at nor startin point tho
  6. il be there, should have my licence back by then. il be at northside meet point, if you could pm me what your thinkin i could give some suggestions
  7. Ricochet

    Motorvation 23

    i wanna get my car into it, if someone could pm me details on how to go about it and how much it costs. would kill a small child to get on the motorvation cruise down the strip and back. and would love to be part of the sauwa tent but not an official member yet. give us a month or two and i will be
  8. gonna be drunk at lunchtime on sat at my mates 18th, might try get the misses to drive my 32, if its SOR i prob wont make it. if anyone can give me a hint on where it mite be headin that would be sick.
  9. yeh everyone like what scott said, poor planning and not really knowing where to go f**ked things up a bit, im not gonna turn around and say it was the best cruise, but for those who stayed with us we had a pretty good night, next time everyone, will be better. just thought id give it a crack seein as tho no ones really tried to organise anythin like this for a while. some one else have a go?
  10. the cruise starts at hillarys and heads south people. goin to cottesloe, kings park and belmont race course. wont be goin sor but close enough. and yes it is tnite. its gonna be abig turnout people, come for a good night.
  11. my old man's gonna be there for the first meet point, he's got some flash 2 grand snapper and i'l have all the photos up the next day, i'l be taking a video camera in my car, ive got another mate whos gonna be filmin and if anyone else wants to get some clips they can then email me and be on the vid. this cruise really is going to be pretty big boys so get excited, il be spendin friday arvo with a bucket and hose makin sure my baby's spotless. cheers to everyone for helping me out spreadin the word, this is a cruise for every car enthusiast so cant wait
  12. well yeh guys i'l have a video camera in my car and a mate with a video camera in his catchin a bit of the action and will hopefully make up a short clip for youtube or somethin like that. make sure your still lettin people know, not long now.
  13. expect a fair few mate, ive got quite a few of my mates coming along in cars other then skylines so anyones welcome, this cruise has been goin around for longer then a month so the words been spread, if ya scared to come because of numbers then dont, but its gonna be huge and you will miss out on something spectacular. behaviour is gonna be good and people who f**k around will be dealt with.
  14. MAPS DRAWN EVERYONE! maps ready to be printed, cruise should go for about 1 hour 50 mins without stops but we are stopping at least twice. meet point is the boat ramp carpark at hillarys boat harbour, (the big carpark to the right of the roundabout) start gettin there at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm take off. get excited people. and no more raggin on other clubs in this thread.
  15. cruise organised, see post cruise anyone? 5th december. close thread
  16. thinkin of organising a cruise late november heading along the coast NOR. anyone interested give us a yell and i'l start getting serious. like usual anyones invited, hope to see a classy turnout.
  17. can someone pm where i can get meself some splitfires either on net or in perth. bit of a miss on high revs through second, dont want a pop wanna be sideways hahaha
  18. R32 GTS-T turbo timer install wheres the rpm wire at???
  19. anyone know what wire to look for to find rpm wire for turbo timer install?
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