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Everything posted by payback21

  1. Here is a new hyperlink to the topic as the old one is invalid as it redirects to the home page. I am unable to edit my first original post to correct this. If the mods can change the link and delete this post, it would be appreciated. New Link To Topic
  2. I agree. Dont buy it. Its more hassle than what its worth.
  3. Thanks Steve. There is no need to apologize mate. I totally agree with your comment that we need to weed out these tools. I do hope that you can come along and join us on a good day out.
  4. Hi, No offense taken fella. Even tho i wasn't at this cruise, the cruise you are speaking of was an open cruise event that was announced on many car forums. We "West Coast Cruisers" had no part of the organizing of the event. Yes some of our members might of been there but WE had no part of organizing the event. If any stupid behavior as described above happened at any of our car cruises, they would of been told to leave as such nonsense would not be tolerated. The club you are speaking of that has all the idiotic behavior, has in no way anything to do with us and they have no affiliation with West Coast Cruisers what so ever. I want to clearly state that we are not responsible for there actions. Once again, the cruise you speak of was an open event cruise and it has nothing to do with us. I want to make this very clear to everyone. If you haven't noticed already, this cruise is organized by myself and it is held on a Sunday during the day. My reason for this is to avoid all this idiotic behavior that has been going on lately preventing it from being brought into our club. We are a very casual cruise club that has alot of family members attending. The last thing we want to see is someone getting hurt by someones else's stupidity. This cruise will go for most of the day until about late mid afternoon. Anyone is welcome to leave at anytime as they are not restricted to stay.
  5. WCC turns 1 on the 1st of September and with this happening, i have decided to do a birthday cruise for WCC. Anyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a day. Details are as follows.... Date: Sunday 5th of September Time: 10:30am meet for a 11am leave Meet Point: Lake Monger Reserve Car Park – Powis Street Glendalough Information Link: Clicky! IMPORTANT: As stated before, anyone displaying idiotic behavior at the meet points will be asked to leave. WCC are a cruise club, not a street racing fraternity. This will be a big cruise guys traveling down the coast as well as doing a hill run. It should be good day out. I hope to see everyone there. *UPDATE* *UPDATE* *UPDATE* Okay cruisers, it is now confirmed that we will be stopping for lunch to have a BBQ so remember to bring your sausages and buns. For those who don't want to bring something for a BBQ, shops will be close by to grab something to eat. PLEASE NOTE: WCC HAS NO AFFILIATION TO SAU/SAUWA WHATSOEVER.
  6. Thanks to everyone for tuning up to the event. I really enjoyed it and we must do it again.
  7. Great cruise last night. Thanks to all who turned up. We got quite a good turn out and the night was perfect for cruising. God i love car cruising!!!
  8. To my knowledge, i dont think you can. The boot is spring loaded with spring steal rods going from one side to the other on the boot hinges. There is no extra notches for you to take the tension out. I believe its fixed in one spot and it cant be adjusted.
  9. I have had this problem before and this is how i corrected it. Im not saying it will solve your problem but it is worth a shot as it works for me every time. Hop in your car and drive it up your drive way steering it straight so the car goes straight and then stop and park the car. Dont reverse or turn the steering wheel. Ignore the steering wheel being not center, we will get to that later. Once you have done this, turn the car off and pop the bonnet. Pull the battery lead off and leave it off for about 5 min to discharge the car. Another cheats way of not waiting to discharge the car is disconnect battery and then press your foot on the brake. This will also discharge the car straight away without waiting. In the meantime of discharging the cars power with the battery lead off, turn your steering wheel to right so it is straight. Ignore that the wheels may have slightly turned. Once you have done this and the steering wheel is straight, put the battery lead back on and start the car. DO NOT move the steering wheel. Let the hicas computer relearn its positioning of the steering wheel as it will notice the steering wheel sits as being center. After about 5 min turn the car off. Give it a min and then start it taking it for a drive to see if it corrected itself. What happens is if you do a battery change or you disconnect the battery for a while and you have your steering wheel not straight when you put the battery leads on, it will think that this is the new center point of the steering wheel. Ive done it a few times were ive disconnected the battery, turned the steering wheel, reconnected the battery and then found the steering wheel to not be straight with the wheels. Doing this process above always fixes my problem. I hope it fixes your issue.
  10. Hi Guys, What a awesome day. The first Amazing race themed cruise was a full success! I would like to thank everyone that turned up to the cruise event and also to my wife Marianne for mostly organizing this event. It was a blast. Full of funny moments and challenges that made things really interesting. It is guaranteed that WCC will be having another event like this so keep your beady eyes open in the event section coz there will be another one in a couple of months time or so. Heres a link to the pictures of the event. Enjoy! Pics of the Amazing Race Themed Cruise
  11. Laugh all you want. I still say AFM. Its intermittent.
  12. Will the car idle or does it keep dying?
  13. Hmm doesnt sound good. As Duncan suggested, get a good oil pressure gauge on the engine and see what is happening. It would be the first thing i would be doing as a test.
  14. Damo, try cleaning your AFM or changing it with another to try.
  15. Its sounds like a core plug leaking or welsh plug as some people call it
  16. Aftermarket torque split controller (2wd to 4wd switch) faulty to g sensor? What torque split controller do you have installed? HKS, ebay special????
  17. Yes they are the same and they will interchange. Tutorial? Do it yrself man. Its easy as. Just take note of what you remove and were it goes. You cant go wrong.
  18. Climate control unit most likely faulty
  19. Sorry Peoples, cant make it. Next time....
  20. LOL yer crappy cannon $120 buck special. Might need to update i think. I will be in for the next one you organize. Please let me know if you need a hand. You should start a new cruise topic shortly so you get the numbers once again. Prior notice is a biggy for most people.
  21. YAY i made it back on here before midnight. Busy busy busy. Here is a link to the pics of the event. Im sorry i didnt uploaded them here for all to view easily. Im a bit of a busy man and run out of time. There's some good clear pics and some dark ones but most will be able to make out who they are in the pics. Enjoy all... >Crossroad Cruise Pics - Click Here<
  22. What coil packs and spark plugs you running?
  23. They sure are the same
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