If there was a vacuum leak it would increase idle revs. My thoughts are....
Earth wire on the ignitor not earthed, same goes for the one on the coil pack wiring harness
Check intake pipe from air pod to to the front of turbo turbo. If its sucking air in, idle will be rough as because fuel/air mixture wouldnt be correct
Check throttle position sensor. May have come loose or got bumped and has moved.
Last thing and i know this is going to sound dumb, adjust CAS. I have found once before that my wifes 32 had a miss at idle i could never sort it untill i retarded the CAS one day coz it was pinging under load. It fixed the pinging and and the miss went away. The CAS was way to far advanced. I would say this was done by the last person who changed the timing belt.
Apart from that, theres not to much to mention as you have already tried them. Hope you have some luck.