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Everything posted by r33_crusier

  1. anyway thanks guys for the help, not, foudn the wires i need i think. Tried 2 hok up the rmeote start but with no luck yet, dunno wat i could be doin wrong. Oh well ill figure it out one day. At least everythin else is workin. Cheers anyway
  2. yea mate ive looked around everywere, on here and on google, ive search for hours on end and cant find anything at all thats of any use. Send me a link to something you know that would help. All i need is the remote start done, and the alarm is finished
  3. yea i kno, i thought maybe sum1 could help but obviously nto, gonna have 2 go down to a pro n ask em for a hand, the alst thign is this dam remote start so i cant get my turbo timer workin ont he alarm, o well thanks anyway guys. ps i did start poking around but the ignition barrel has 2 starter wires dunno which 2 use or how this dam relay is ment 2 be hooked up. O well
  4. yea nah dude i wotn have this problem, i got my self a xxxxxxxxxx 2way pager alarm which has many features include voltage sensing and tacho sensing along with handbrake sensors, so if the car does try and start and the voltage either drops, the revs go all retared wen started in gear or the hand brake is down the car will die instantly/wont start at all, so it should all be fine. THanks for the heads up anyway i thought of all thsi ebfore doing it anyway edited by Nightcrawler: mate don't tell potential thieves exactly what brand and model alarm you have - that is just dumb
  5. by the way have a relay with 5 different wires they are blue red, blue, blue white, thin red and a thin black, need to know is the start on the ignition the same as the starter module, does that wire run tot he same position? CAues says to hook the blue to starter module, blue white to start on ignition and red goes back to alarm as well as black kinda linkign through, ill scan the diagram 2morrow and post it to show u wat i mean but if any1 has any idea son this much appreciated. Cheers Adam
  6. ok thanks for thinking im dodgy but oh well got my new alarm in, eveyrhting works as afar as central lockin, immobiliser, etc etc my only problem is that i cant get the remote start to work, i have relay hooked up to the ignition barrel but i dont know if its hooked up properly, any1 have any ideas? Thanks Adam
  7. ey guys just need a couple of bits of info. Need to know are the r33 series 2 positive or negative door triggers where is the central locking module is it under the dash tucked away and hard to get to like the box i saw 2day wat plug is it how many pins and what colour are the two lock and unlock wires i need to hook it up 2 my alarm. Last bit of info i need to get to get this alarm all working properly. Also any ideas on sum imobiliser points? and which wire is the engine starter wire as i am hooking up a remote start also i need a negative tacho wire, any1 know where abouts i can find this? cheers all adam
  8. ey guys just need a couple of bits of info. Need to know are the r33 series 2 positive or negative door triggers where is the central locking module is it under the dash tucked away and hard to get to like the box i saw 2day wat plug is it how many pins and what colour are the two lock and unlock wires i need to hook it up 2 my alarm. Last bit of info i need to get to get this alarm all working properly. Also any ideas on sum imobiliser points? and which wire is the engine starter wire as i am hooking up a remote start also i need a negative tacho wire, any1 know where abouts i can find this? cheers all adam
  9. ey guys had a thread on here but guess it got deleted for some reason anyway just started up a business called systematic computers. So if any of you guys need any stuff cheap i hopefully can do some good deals for you guys. Pm me for any prices you need or post up on here. Adam Systematic Computers
  10. also any1 got me pics of there cooler setup some engine bay pics n where the piping oes would be nice
  11. r33_crusier

    First Pics Of R33

    These were taken with my camera phone. Came out alrite for a 7mp camera phone:D
  12. Hey guys thought id post a couple of fotos of my 33, and here it is
  13. yea well this guy at streamline down at newton, all my mates got there's done there so he said hed do it cheap, plus id had my other cars done there 2
  14. cheers for all the reply guys as for the quote it was for a 3" stainless dump pipe, that has the 2 seperate pipes for wastegate and exaust gases, a 3" high flow cat, and a 3inch piping while ill keep my cannon at the back, i was wanting it to keep the same/similar sound as it has now as its not to loud and sounds alrite atm, jst need the flow casue it kinda feels restriced at higher rev ranges. I think ill jst try find a FMIC and get soem1 to install it casue cbf tryin to cut the stuff on the inside of the front bar i dont wanna stuff it up.
  15. ey guys need some help on wat do, im stuck. my next thing on my 33 is to get my exaust done, ive been quoted 1050 dollars for a 3" stainless turbo back exaust? wat does everyone reckon, good price? should i worry about stainless or jst go mild steel? or does any one have ant bolt on kits that i could buy or get from somewhere??? also for my FMIC wat should i do, found a cooling pro kit that connects straight up to the stock intercooler pipes. i dunno wat i wanna do, how easy is it to fit these after market FMIC in the stock front bar of a r33 series 2. Any one have any hints or tips for installing them. Thanks For the help guys Adam
  16. haha hey craig, its adam here so true ur mate definately wants kel, like big time hahaha anyway kel great cruise on the weekend definately enjoyed it! definately c u there on the next one take it easy guys
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