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GTRKat last won the day on February 19 2018

GTRKat had the most liked content!

About GTRKat

  • Birthday September 21

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    R32 GTR
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  1. Just a heads up there's a good chance I won't be there tomorrow. I've picked up the bug going around our office. Most likely going to stay home and keep my germs to myself.
  2. Haha yep! They had buses shuttling us ACT folk in/out.
  3. I think the council out there is a lot easier to deal with than in ACT. That's why Oktoberfest moved out there too.
  4. Pending sickness, horrific weather turns etc. I'll be there I've been working on a few others as well. @Anfanee
  5. Multicultural Festival is on in Queanbeyan on that day too so should be able to take a walk and get some good food http://www.visitqueanbeyan.com.au/queanbeyan_multicultural_festival
  6. We're getting to that time of year again folks! Would be good to see some Skyline representation! Full deets can be found here; https://www.shannons.com.au/club/events/shannons-wheels-2018/ Planning to be there in the GTR.
  7. Hahaha because I'm so maternal. Might have my hands full you know, running the day.
  8. @34GeeTeeTee better see you there teacup!
  9. Absolutely! Details coming out very soon!
  10. I'm out too. Christmas with the in laws.
  11. Works for me. One is 5 min from my house the other is on my way to/from work. Also, spotted a white R35 on Parkway/GDE last night around 6:30. Was on my way back from a formal run.
  12. Bad timing for me. After 5 hours in the studio I was a bit stuffed. That day turned out to be the painful day, leaves running over my elbow were not particularly pleasant! Bummed I missed it though. I need to keep more of an eye on ACT events too and make sure we don't clash with Syd stuff. We had our end of year SAU NSW dinner the night before too
  13. E85 is easy to get!!! I hate running 98 in mine now.
  14. My tattoo ran over. Unfortunately still not finished! How was it?
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