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Everything posted by GTRKat

  1. I think as far as most of us are concerned it's the more the merrier but only if you bring the museum piece of out of the garage Nathan I just like the piece of mind to know she's locked up safe. Means I can head off to the club and have a few with no worries!
  2. Attending: 1. CeJay 2. Kat 3. Shell 4. Pat Hotel: 1. Kat 2. Pat
  3. Thanks to everyone involved, was a lot of fun!!! I have bruises to show already
  4. Good to see people getting on board! Let me know if you need accommodation info. So far we have locked in: 1. CeJay 2. Kat 3. Shell And for those that have contacted me for info on a hotel, please let me know if you'll be staying. As Terry mentioned there are approx 9 carspots available. Locked in to hotel and parking so far: 1. Kat Spesh if you are staying at the hotel can you please add your name to the list so we don't get too many. Because I for one would be sleeping IN the car if it was not in secure parking. Paranoia at it's finest
  5. I spotted a reddish coloured R34 (I think) with those lights that were mentioned earlier... Hmmm my verdict is not cool! I was too horrified seeing the lights to notice the rest of the car properly! Also spotted a 4 door gunmetal 32 with a P plate at Erindale earlier tonight near Goodberries.
  6. Is that what you really meant to say?
  7. Haha I'm sure that it was the second corner outside (where the guys running it can't see) and I was completely on my breaks and I had 2 people push me at full speed into the wall! They boys at work were pretty rough!!
  8. Awesome looking forward to this! Although go easy, last time I went the flamin mongrels from work slammed me into the wall at high speed. Practically had the steering wheel embedded into my chest and for days after I was stiff as a board and felt like I'd been in a car accident!
  9. We can't do Saturdays but I think the 1st August is ok.
  10. I wouldn't but I've seen it done!
  11. I thought that was one of the things they were supposed to add to the car during compliance?
  12. So glad for you that you got it back!!!! Sometimes I wonder why I'm so paranoid about mine and I really miss driving it every day but it really is nice not to have to worry.
  13. LOL @ Mick Happy birthday Luke!
  14. It's posted up there mate so we're all keeping an eye out. That's horrible, good luck with finding it hopefully all in one piece!
  15. f**k that's shit I'll put this up on Canberra Cruises as well.
  16. Yeah I know this but you just need to give people a fair chance. On a side note if you change it to the 18th, that rules Pete and I out.
  17. I'm not really sure what you expect when you gave people 2 days to pay. I guess others thought maybe it was too late? I would also think the change of date hasn't done any favours.
  18. It's not exactly rocket science... Have you ever used a lift? G is generally used as a number followed by 1, 2, 3 etc...
  19. Yeah I hope people don't miss out due to the short notice. We have paid though.
  20. Sorry I totally forgot last night!!! Transferring now!
  21. I'd rather option 1. Pete and I are both keen for the 11th. Will transfer money in tonight.
  22. Oooooh. Not me, but yay there's more of us!
  23. 11th is good for me, better than the 4th actually. I has to work on the Saturday night (3rd) - stupid users wanting to use their system during the week... Prefer it to not be a Saturday, will automatically rule Pete out as he has soccer.
  24. Does this mean you are coming Reece?? My tickets arrived today! Going to be an awesome day!
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