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heaveyfoot_ skyliner

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Everything posted by heaveyfoot_ skyliner

  1. hi mate how did you go with your controller and new gauge ? got any pics and fitting instruction for us to follow ?
  2. hi mate thinking of geting your turbo but what else do i have to do? extra work like tuning any ideas? cause my car has got a boost gauge of i think 10 psi
  3. hi i got a whining noise from turbo{ it started with bursting water hose and so i did a new head gasket from a non turbo specialist mechanic and put a second hand stock turbo and im sure he was such a careless that at least he could look at this turbo,s simple fix} and today i saw that the actuator rod had come off ,pushed it back and see the pic pls where i have circled it . my question is it ok to do the pushing thing without any tune up i got a boost gauge and turbo timer on my dash any help with this will be much appreciated .
  4. hi mate thanks for the reply and how do you tune that cause i got a whining noisy turbo since i have the head gasket done and think its the cause of the noise not tuning is it something with turbo timer boost gauge of 10 psi max on my dashboard any guides or links much appreciated thnks
  5. hi mate how is the turbo going ? any proplems with the turrbo you installed ?and where can you get that turbo for cheap price ?
  6. thanks everyone i appreciate your help
  7. R32 Turbo Sound Missing, r32 turbo noise spooling pssst in shifting gears can not be heard anymore one more question they say its a faulty turbo so is it ok if keep driving the r32 ? or is there any option to remove the turbo and drive it without the turbo like non turbo or fit a new non turbo engine in the car ?
  8. hi mate thnks for the reply its got no pod filter one more question thing they say its a faulty turbo so is it ok if keep driving the r32 ? or is there any option to remove the turbo and drive it without the turbo like non turbo or fit a new non turbo engine in the car
  9. hi i am posting this topic for the second time in two weeks about my skyline r32 turbo pssst voice\noise changed to ambulance noise/voice and cause i took it for a bursting water hose to mechanic and he said its the head gasket but now its this noise coming from i do not know engine or turbo but definitely the normal pssst sound is had changed to an ambo looking siren . any ideas ?
  10. hi r32 turbo noise spooling pssst in shifting gears can not be heard anymore after a head gasket job instead i hear a ambulance siren .any ideas appreciated most .
  11. hi I need 3 gaskets for r32 stock turbo do you have them or know where can i get them? one triangle shape and rectangle shape and one rectangle shape with six holes in it, i can send you pics if needed thanks .
  12. hi all thanks for such a forum/site im a new membar to this club help r32 keeps bursting water hoses to turbo {i think cause the hoses are hard to reach in other words they are not upper and lower radiator hoses they are the ones which connect to turbo about one inch in diameter and one foot in length } twice in a month now and heats up and not to mention that i hear the backfire noises as i change gears some ,some one told me to use the high resistant hoses and that its the blown head gasker but i find no milky oil engine or fumes/smoke from exhaust , my second question is what does the red sign Hicas mean on dashboard ? any ideas much appreciated thanks
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