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Everything posted by rhys5169

  1. +2 for flames
  2. lol this thread is gonna always be interesting
  3. sorry but taking e-beef into real world is just plain sad, its called take a deep breathe and grow up, at the end of the day this is just all words in a virtual world, if your small enoough to make real life threats because of what someone said on a forum you have small man syndrome and are just tryna be a hero, some people just take themselves and everything else way too seriously
  4. 8? are you talking about the oil pressure guage, ( - 4 - 8 )?
  5. was there a big hot rod cruise or meet on tonight? saw a heap coming home around 11:30'ish and some bloody nice harleys aswell
  6. i missed pendulum to see lupe, was still amazing but yeh prodigy was insane, like 15,000 people all going nuts when the bassline hit for smack my bitch up
  7. man did the GTR hate being driven in 45 degree weather, all kinds of random noises start apearing lol
  8. i saw sneaky live at stereosonic and left after 2 songs, they seemed to struggle neither them or the crowd was getting into it... but i definatly wanna see: loot and plunder lupe fiasco AJAX simian mobile disco cut copy arctic monkeys a bit of niel finn then into the boiler room again for a hour and a half of prodigy mayhem
  9. great to see someone willing to put in the hard yards and stand up for the rest, 2 thumbs up mate
  10. i love this weather, i spend all winter whinging about how i cant wait for 40+ days lol but i hate having to drive my car in this weather
  11. well the aircon in the house just broke lol looks like im sleeping in the pool
  12. thats what happens when you sell shit quality gear, then jbhifi comes along and sells better for cheaper lol definatly go mate, think about prodigy closing the boiler room........
  13. yeh no doubt megs would be going, loves it. there's still tix for sale man, just call a sicky
  14. ahright, must be the gtr factor or i just got the wrong salesperson on the day
  15. anyone going to the BDO on friday???? there saying its gonna be over 41 degrees now lol uuughhhh the boiler room is gonna be death
  16. thats nice, i had no idea they would insure someone under 25 w/turbo car. im gonna try my luck when i turn 22 now!lol
  17. tell them absolutely everything mate, because if you ever crash it they are gonna look over the car with a fine tooth comb to try and get out of paying you out.
  18. haha yeh it does seem like that, ive gotta last another 4 years though :s
  19. honestly mate i dont think they will insure you, i had been with them for a few years, they had already given me my rating 1 and still they wouldnt touch me untill i was around 23. maybe if you know one of the sellers or get chatting to the guys when there out at mallala that might help? pete, yeh the excess sucks but it just keeps me from being a idiot on the road, if i drive like a wank, crash it then i have to pay that excess
  20. 21, Just car insurance, r32 GTR, rating 1, $886 p/yr, excess is $2000 i got real lucky with my previous car with shannons as they gave me my rating 1 when i was 18, so that with location adn how the car is stored played a large part in my price. personally if i could still be on shannons i would, i never claimed with them but they just felt like if anything occured they would have your back alot better than other insurers
  21. just make sure what ever alarm you purchase it is australian standard, alot of the pretty ones at JB's etc are not aus approved, and therfor alot of if not all (?) insurers will not cover you in the event of a claim
  22. good to see it all worked out in the end for ya mate
  23. ^yeh gotta look at the positives
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