its all well and good to say that older drivers are better, and youve had "this" many years more experience but on a day to day basis i see more bad drivers in the 35-55 age bracket than anyone else. they sit in the right lane, tailgate, brake before indicating, and did a mention sit in the right lane?
at the end of the day it isnt how long you have been driving its how you learnt to drive. if your parents tought u bad habbits 30 years ago, and you did the 5 minute spin around the block with the local officer then you have been more than likely doing the same thing wrong on the road for the past 3 decades and will most likely pass it down to your own children.
so to sit back in your old high horse is somewhat arrogant. yes i agree that there is an attitude problem with alot of todays driving youth (and this needs to be fixed, how i do not know) but once again the older population is judging the mass by the minority. if anything todays youth know ALOT more about basic road rules than there parents ever have due to the L's booklet test etc.