are you 12, i mean honestly???? either your 12 or you are as thick as 2 short planks.....
1) YOU are the only one throwing the "race" word round here, no one else
2) seig heil???? could you be any more offensive to the jewish/black/german/australian population??? what does german have to do with the subject?
3) get my shit straight??? you came in here acting like a little bitch over a word that is not a racist term
4) am i a racist? no. but im fed up of pretencious lil cry babies like you who make race a big deal
5) i think you are the one in need of a chill pill princess, so take a deep breathe and get over yourself.
6) your statement "wogs built this country" is highly offensive and racist to all of the great australians of english decent who died making this country what it is
f**kin child