good fun little cruise, got to meet a few more people! my one critisism and i think the lil tacker in the 260 has the same point, why do we stop at one point for sooooo long??lol
but yeh cheers for organising it, some lovely cars!
yeh true, ahwell i'll try do the run around to tonight and meet a few more people, i'll be in the gun metal grey 32 gtr with cc premium plates, dont be a stranger
any southerners wanna head up??? its just me and the missus so far in my car, brother pulled out ahd jacks car is broke.......chronic, chef stag, dstroy??
^it is very intimidating i must admit, when i was at villi's i hanged around out front and talked to a few people but you guys sit round a table in a closed off section and to walk into the middle of that and be like "heeyyyy im from sau" is a bit intimidating to start off with, im sure your all great people tho
at the seaford car wash this morning:
maroon 33 with nismo sticker down the side, women driving
maroon 32, very clean nice car, ha da front mount hidden in there aswell
anyone from here?
i drive past the house every day, lives several streets down and was a 32 bullshit. must have been an inside job cause they knew when he wasnt gonna be home till early am time.
the car was sitting in his front lawn stripped as proof
i know of a bloke who actually had that happen to him i shit you not, woke up after a big night on the town to find his car with no motor, no rims, no exhaust basically a stripped shell