*sigh* you are really missing alot of bain cells champ.
ok buddy, define "hooning" for me please? is it drink driving? is it speeding? is it doing a burnout? or is it anything that is not percieved as the "status-quo" on the road?
next point, im sorry idiot, but "hooning" has been going on for alot longer than my life time, everyones parents could say theyve done stupid speeds, burnouts and drunk driven atleast once! the 70/80's where full of shocking road behaviour, and yes, cars torn in half
and yes police have killed a man with a tazer, and now all police are soon set to have tazers, you dont see this as a problem? wake up dickhead!
craft my argument? i made more sense and spoke more fact that you ever have, and your possibly the biggest keyboard warrior to grace the net. you call anyone who makes a point different from yours a "warrior" yet your the big man talkin bout knockin chicks over and being a tuff motrcycle rider.... biiiiig mannn
dude, read what you wrote..... i stated fact, that black kid DID get a 4 month suspended sentace. no hype no bullshit and there IS video evidence of what he did so wtf are you really on about?
f**kin clue-less once again rueben