Hey all, first time poster to the forum! Well I'm fairly close to purchasing a V35 sedan, will get a 350GT8 or the 5 speed but not too sure which to go for, performance, reliability etc are factors. I know the 5 speed is quicker, but the 8 speed is more efficient. The missus will be driving it most of the time so that has to be taken into account! Also I have seen in the private sale area and used dealer sections on Carsales, the prices are fluctuating quite a bit. For example found a very tidy 350GT8 in SYdney with 76K for only 21K. But some cars of the same year and same model are asking up to 30K? What am i missing? Also, 3 or 4 key points to focus on in regards to having a vehicle checked over, trouble spots? Thanks for any help you guys can give and I hope to return with some good news soon!