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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. isn't it for sale? Blue 640 with bout 7400km still under new warranty and he wants to buy a LP560 GT race car instead? If so then I technically know your bro
  2. I know it's about risk, but it doesn't make sense why I have it for a little over $1100/year and people older, more driving experience, stock standard, clean driving history, lock the car up every night have a higher insurance rate. That is what I can not figure out. I even double checked my policy in writing to make sure there was no mistakes. Not that i'm complaining either lol, just find it strange... I consider myself a low risk individual, rarely consciously speed (these days), never ever had a claim that was or wasn't my fault, never had anything stolen, no finance ect... but taking my history of 1 speeding fine that = 3 month suspension, 23year old male who is seriously into his cars, I thought I would have been raped by insurance aswell. Maybe they have secret vans that follow me when i drive to see if i do stupid things and realise that i rarely do stupid things on the roads and are then a safe risk? Or maybe my renewal was due on the unoficial day where they half what the insurance premiums should be???? Unless because everything is insured by AAMI/Justcars so they gave a special deal and didn't make it known to me??? Also did a quote with DAWES insurance for the r33 same info as justcars and they came back with $2.8k crazy insurance guys But I wish I had a $5k premium and a $12k excess... my cars insurance combined is less than $3k for all 3 cars and excess is about $1800 for all 3
  3. I don't think anyone defended him, it's more like "yes he is a cock, yes he deserves what he gets, but it has been said 11ty billion times now". He wont learn to drive like a decent person by having a bunch of hate replies (although he didn't help his cause by saying stupid things back, he does sound like he has very extreme bipolar by the way he gets all defensive and then attacking and then Mr nice guy). No one has forgiven him or is suposed to forgive him because he "claims" to be buying an R35, I have no idea where this train of thought of cutting him a break because he owns a budget supercar has come from? It hasn't been statet at all. All that was said is basically he has the envy (r35) of what most SAU members want but will not afford untill the car is 10 or so years old. If you guys think that justifies me saying that "we should cut him a break for buying a supercar of which i dont consider it a supercar", I think some of you should go back to school and repeat primary school English class again, reading things that isn't written is pretty stupid. This thread should move to the wastelands and only be viewed to cheer people up. I'm sure if i'm having a shitty day i'll come back here, read the first few pages and be all happy and greatful that i'm not the OP and I don't think like the OP does. Taking inflation and the different buying power of the AUD back 1993 the R32 gtr was sold in Australia, there isn't much difference in price when converted into the current AUD buying power for an R35, if you converted an R32 into current value it was over $150k in todays money... If an R35 is called a super car, then all the other GTR's should be super cars aswell.
  4. good point, didn't even think of suncorp, and I have a couple of accounts with them lol
  5. well that is nowhere near what I said or meant.... and $5k/year on $180k is still a much better deal than what your paying anyway (comparatively speaking) if you convert that to a $20k car the premium is $555/year i'd call that a win, no one in the whole thread said the R35 would make him a better or a more likeable person...you made that up yourself. John just proved what I said before, these forums are becomming way to negative and there is always someone here arguing that black is white and then making up things and twisting things....
  6. I'd hardly call Real estate a formally skilled profession either. The scenario works for property, it doesn't work for most cars. Having said that if your 24 and buying a $200k car by yourself, you wouldn't have a 9-5 office job....and I definately would not be borrowing to buy a car that depreciates as well as pay interest on top.... unless you are terminally ill and have a year to live...
  7. sure the guy seems to have a bit of a "god complex" but if he is a surgeon and I was his patient depending on him, i'd surely hope he didn't find out I contributed in crucifying him on the forums here.... Let him do what he likes, let you guys think what you like, in the end he has himself a $180k + car, driving the dream of so many other forum members. We can say what we like, but in the end he wins.... unless he keeps on speeding and one day the chances are the speeding will catch up to him and he won't survive to pay the $12k excess..... that or he can not afford the finance repayments and it gets stripped from him. Either way it is his decision and SAU forums tend to be becomming more of a negative place. Yes he is a knob for loosing his driving privilege 3 times in 5 years, but are we all angels as well? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  8. true, the year before was $1600ish, year before was $2k and before that was $3k, i'm just curious to see if there is any logic behind it or if there are special preferences for having multiple cars with the same insurance ect...
  9. Not sure, never had a claim, but makes sense. Think there is a form you have to get the installer to fill out, I have never been able to get hold of my installer and nobody else wants to sign it because then they are liable for someone elses work. Long story short, to save you many hours of chasing up installers, get them to sign it before you pay them. I got mine done at Shift performance and they do not want to help at all, they claim they don't know the subcontractor that did my car and also did their own personal cars... bit hard to believe, just cars knows the story and has accepted it in writing that it is a sufficient device.
  10. if you have decent insurance who cares, thats why we get insurance, that and accident damage. Unless you have spent hundreds of hours working on it yourself I don't see why people are so overly protective like not parking the car on their street. Also these days car thefts are at an all time low compared to what they were even 5 years ago, insurance is mostly looking at risk of an accident now, but has anyone got lower prices for any skyline (turbo or not) under $1100 comprehensive? And are any of them under 25 and with just cars? I heard Shannons is cheaper but you have to be over 25 to get it.
  11. While I have my papers out my Green slip is $668 with GIO, I miss the days when AON was $300
  12. im down to $1138 (renewed in January) including the wanky maximum no claim bonus protection thing for a Series 2 R33 gts-t now at close to 260rwkw, Insured for probably the same price as a decent R32gtr, park it in the drive way, in the street, gf's street over the weekends, park it in glebe back streets ect... and it's all covered 100% as long as it has an australian standards immobiliser.... 23yo male, clean driving history except for one suspension. Why are so many people paying so much more? The skyline is with just cars, my other cars are with aami.... although at 19 and the line was stock standard the insurance was $3k.... And whats so bad about parking our lines on the street? most of them are worth less than a new Kia Rio
  13. LOL do it It was always $1.8, Ferrari just wanted some playing room (even though people spending $1.8m on a used car wouldn't worry about $100k saving at all) number plates are meant to be "WAT.THE"
  14. Sorry to dig up an old thread, but just heard the Koenigseg has just sold @ $1.8mil and should be picked up in a week.... if I hear any more news i'll post it here.
  15. SLY.33R in castle hill industrial today, you were following me for a bit (what is with all these "SLY" numberplates in NSW?)
  16. Don't paint it, ive been running around with a white bar on a silver 33 for 9 months now....
  17. Kujotk

    Gtr $182,000?

    So what was the final onroad price????
  18. sydney by far has the worst roads compared to other capital cities in OZ (but i haven't been to darwin). I thought Melb/Adelaid were best
  19. yes he over simplified the scenario, but most kids can do it in Australia, easily 90% can do it IF they are dedicated and have someone to advise them. unless you are severly handicapped, spend every pay check, have to work to support your family, then there isn't much else stopping someone from buying something small from a younger age. Lazy, missguided or circumstances out of your controll are the only real reason that makes this scenario impossible. This is Australia, not USA.
  20. if you can't afford to buy both (supercar and an investment property), then don't buy the super car yet. Anyone can put $40k deposit and the finace company owns the rest. Borrow on property if you have to, but NEVER borrow on cars unless it is under a company and the companies tax can offset some of the costs... but even then buying it outright is still the better choice.
  21. Kujotk

    Gtr $182,000?

    Roll up with your wifes hand bag full of cash and tell him what you want to pay (reasonable price, not something crazy like $20k cheaper), salesmen lick your ass when you show them the cash infront of them. With new cars there isn't too much room to play with because they know that someone later will come and get it (even if it sits on the floor for 6 months). Failing that wait till the end of the year when they are making space for 2011 plated stock. And if you're buying it with finance, does a few thousand dollars make that much difference? You will be paying way too much for it when you consider the interest anyway.
  22. saw a black stagea with a whit r34 front end this arvo in Cherrybrook,
  23. Well said!!!
  24. Dominic, i'm assuming Italian decent? Guess our mediterranean minds think a like
  25. if there was a market value established for a one off car which has never been on sale other than directly from holden.... i'd like to see it
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