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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. yup it's auctions commision of 3.3%. and have a cry
  2. http://www.themotorreport.com.au/50423/nsw...-to-570-million New cameras being introduced next month.... where is the guy who thinks the government will not spend in upgradeing their equipment when it comes to revenue raising? If I were you i'd be selling my radar detector if I were you as it will now be useless, and with a new order of speeding equipment comes a new range of detector detectors. Atleast they are putting more money into roads that we desperately need and giving the cops a small pay rise
  3. Sell the skyline and use the money to invest in something that should makle you money, not drain your pockets dry, plenty of time for skylines later in life. having said that i bought my gtst at 20 so i did the opposite of what i just told you to do???? Hey I still wish my life was simple and my parents could have bought me an R35, although i would have sold that and put a deposit on an appartment in the city instead....and kept my trusty reliable r33
  4. You can assume that but you are far from it, I don't work for anyone. I work for my self, the only way to work. And it's not car auction prices, it's car valuation which you would think used car guys should know a thing or two about...
  5. See I wasn't talking out of my ass Iron Cheff, PM R33 just found whatI have seen happen in the industry with my own eyes.... guess i'm right again Falcon GTHO Phase III Price new 1971: $5300 Value 2007: $683,500 Value 2008: close to $1 million Value 2010: $331,000 This is a classic spike and leveling out that happens in all rare collectables, this is why i know the imported 22b's are a long way from bringing back a decent return anytime in the near future, the return will come, but the risk is that inflation will grow faster than the cars price will. Sure there are a million other factors involved but generally all collectables and even property behave like this. It's nothing new, it's just common sense.
  6. guy who went, and he is still convinced it got $295k, i asked him that and he is sure it was $295, you could imagine the stir it would have caused that night aswell so either he is wrong (and he is into his cars) or the media who has no idea of cars made a boo boo. he wrote them all down... 1. 07 Malloo R8 ute - 47k referred 2. FPV BF Mk II Cobra - 54k 3. FPV BF Mk II Cobra Ute - 46.5k Ref 4. LX Torana with fire damage - 38.5k 5. Falcon XE GL Turbo - 16k 6. HX Monaro - 29k 7. HSV GTS VS R build number 001 - 86k Ref 8. VL SS Group A build number 003 - 79.5k Ref 9. 56 Chev Belair hardtop - 77k 10. 1990 Chev ZR-1 - 55k 11. XC Cobra with 326,312 km on the clock - 70k Ref 12. 68 HK Monaro - 69k Ref 13. 73 HQ Monaro - 71k 14. 69 HT Monaro - 72k 15. 75 LJ Monaro - 47k 16. VZ HSV Monaro supercharged - 76k 17. VZ GTO that one - 295k Ref 18. VZ GTO LE - 66k 19. HSV Clubsport E R8 20th Aniversary - 53.5k Ref 20. VZ CV8 Z - 55k 21. HSV V2 Series 3 - 57.5k 22. HSV V2 GTS Coupe - 47k 23. HSV V2 GTS Coupe - 53k 24. LX Torana hatch rough as - 14.25k
  7. and just because a reserve is placed, doesn't mean that is what a car is worth anyway.... the main reason cars or anything don't sell at auction (aslong as there arn't too many of the same things or are unique) is the reserve is too high for what it is. It's not like we don't have enough cashed up holden fanatics here in Australia. The highest bidder on Monday night is on a $76million USD basketball contract, you don't think he could have bought it for $1million AUD if he wanted to? Ofcorse he could have bought it, but he isn't a sucker who throws money at things. GFC hasn't affected the guys who buy supercars or expensive rare cars, GFC has hurt the smaller guys trying to buy normal practical cars, there are more exotics being sold in 2010 in Australia so far than any other year in history (if you believe the 6pm news) and I don't doubt those claims either as the Ferrari/Maserati of Sydney confirmed it on TV. The only thing that has killed the muscle car industry is they shot up in price way too quickly and people have realised they are not worth that price here, it was an artificial price, we were influenced by americas muscle industry and that has died aswell. 15 years ago XY falcon gt's were selling for peanuts, not much more than scrap metal, 12 years later they are worth in excess of $700k, and now 3 years after that they are down to $300k.... go figure, there was a hype around muscles and now it's leveled off, just like any other revival. The prices will steadily increase from now on but it has stabalised and prices will not change much from individual year to year, instead you will see the growth over 3 and 5 year periods like all other forms of rare collectables.
  8. i don't need internet friends, curious to know what the reserve was. And no the highest bid doesn't mean that is what the car is worth......... is what I would say if it didn't have so much publicity around it so that anyone in the car scene, especially the Holden/muscle/one offs car scene would know about it. There are no more buyers out there for this car, everyone who was interested in it and in a position to buy it knew that it was for sale that night. So yes that is what the car is worth today, a cars worth is measured by the people who are able to purchase it and pay what they think it is worth. Just because one knob payed way too much money for it a few years ago, doesn't mean that is what it is worth today. If Australias most famous car auction can not sell it, no one can. Unless someone who is cashed up decides he wants it and doesn't care about price (again) then it will sell for more than what it's worth. Untill then the finance company will be lucky to get even $50k more out of Australian buyers. A fanatical american might have an interest with it, other than that it's client base is just too small.
  9. He shouldn't have been so excited to pay what a car isn't worth, did he buy it through a holden auction or did holden just give him a figure out of the hat and he just accepted it thinking the milk and honey would flow forever?
  10. how about they come up when they come up and i'm still sticking with the mossman 22b as AUD because that's what the ad had on it so couple months ago. and no i didn't confirm in person if it was AUD or JDM. I got no idea what an N1 is worth here, especially one like this one, there hasn't been enough of them sold here to know what it's worth, why don't you value it yourself, you don't need daddys hand to hold you do you? Pics of both N1's please
  11. Fat chance that is going to happen, after you pass from this earth they will be sad, untill they realise the car is theirs it's evil but that's the way it is. You can't blame them.
  12. Yeah well I bet you yours doesn't look as good as mine did, too bad we needed to look at it properly hahaha post up some pics
  13. When i first saw it i thought 875 000km's lol My R33 only did 66 000km after 13 years, I thought they were wound back but after owning it for a few years i now think they are original km's due to the lack of failures and the engine is still pushing above new car figures power wise. Forget my other car that only did about 500km/year, ive already put 600km in 3 months
  14. ..... It has happened, 1 cent shares turning into $ shares in a few years, unlikely but if your the bugger that picks the winner your cheering untill you think you can do it again and loose the lot.
  15. i'm not sure of the cluster of wires, but the individual one looks like a it was connected to a TT once
  16. and make love to it every night with Mr bannana man and i wouldn't care what anybody else thinks because i'll be the one with the n1
  17. The 2door taxi got $295k, somehow the media got it at $305k?????? now after learning more about the car it shouldn't have been more than $150k, allot of us were under the assumption that because it had previously been registered and that it was meant to be a road going (baby) V8 supercar we thought it still could get rego. Since learned it will never be able to get rego anywhere in australia, destined for the track as it really isn't sought after as a collectable now ( in conventional collectible standards cars that can not get rego never reach their full value), the finance company should have taken what they got from the Australian NBA basketballer who offered the most for it. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw-...i-1225877218737
  18. everyone is forgetting there is a 3.3% auction fee, 4% or so transfer fee, + rego and whatever else you need so your looking at roughly over $10k for the transfer and auction fee ontop of sale + rego/inspection/green/pink slip/insurance, you did well @ $125k because I wouldn't pay more than $130k includeing all the associated fees, so in the sceme of things you did alright
  19. Even if his parents didn't buy the GTR for him, your assuming he is earning an income doing a 9-5 job.... reality is a lot of people don't work 9-5 office jobs, some people have good luck, start their own business, got into real estate from a young age or as birds said, got very lucky on the ASX... that or a dealer lol Sorry just saw your an international student. International licence? Little driving history in this country.... probably would make it harder for insurance, but yeah talk to AAMI, still worth a shot. You would at least want 3rd party insurance incase you happen to somehow cause $30mil damage in the single accident lol
  20. Talk to AAMI, I got insurance for my fez which is worth a lot more than any R35, covered for $250k (got it revalued for $280k agreed price) and my excess is $500 + 200 for age excess, My premium costs less than when I first got insurance for my r33 gtst on p plates and that car was only insured for $16k. Ive always had insurance with AAMI/Justcar, my parents and GF use them aswell, called the sydney branch and they said they couldn't do it. Called Melbourne head office and threatened to take the rest of my cars, my parents cars, my gf's cars, and my properties, parents properties away from AAMI insurance and then they gave me full comp for the fez. Give it a go, what have you got to loose? My next option was Shannons but they won't touch me because i'm under 25
  21. Besides your N1 will always be more sought after (price wise) than that 22b even though there were alittle more of them made, the GTR hasd a bigger following a better name and much more of a history than the 22b. I'd pay extra for the N1
  22. the muscle car bubble has already burst. In 2007/2008 was the peak and now it is up shit creek in Australia compared to what it was and a lot of people have lost faith in ALL collectables because of it, not just the muscle car scene has been affected. That 22b has been floating around for a long time already, looks like the auctions was a last resort that failed. That car in this country with the info it has at the price the seller is expecting is a fail, and your going to tell me that this auction wasn't the best place for that car? That is one of the only auctions to sell that type of car, it draws people from all around Australia and all around the world and it is a much better place than the shannons auction is. Shannons wastes their time on 90% crap, the last shannons auction had shitty cars worth nothing and 1950's -1970's petrol bowsers. A modern import collectable car with no history was always going to fail, it's different if it was a 50 year old collectable with no history but the fact is it's a modern car that should have records. I'd give up my left nutt if a person in the know pays more than $75k for that example, because by the time the car gets on road it would cost close to $85k, way way way not worth that price. Then again it only takes one knob to win the lotto to pay way too much for a car... I love it how the import guys here are trying to defend an import car, in the future that car will be worth better money, but for now it is an import that hasn't been looked after, it isn't unique enough for people to ignore the fact it hasn't been looked after. And it seems the people that are looking to buy the car (the people that count) agree with me. If they didn't the car would have sold on monday night right?
  23. Some pics of my old 318is, excuse the wheels, they came with the car and being a p plater all so many years ago i thought it was cool back then. atleast now i know how wanky it was...
  24. doesn't affect chook anymore, its the finance companies problem now. Chook probably hopes they get a low price just so they loose money for taking his cars away. i'd be cheering if i was him, but i guess now he knows he paid way too much for a holden in the first place
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