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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. Stop F#*ing us around Birds and post the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE?????
  2. I think i'm in love, 11.7 1/4's as well. But i'm not sure if the car was meant to go this fast in the first place.... http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...22&trecs=13
  3. Celica first, Datsun 2nd
  4. nope but his drag cars are up for sale http://www.pt.qld.gov.au/Auction---Sales/S...l-Auctions.aspx
  5. http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2010/05/2...local-news.html
  6. good advice Aaron, makes sense when you think about it.
  7. One less Supercar in the Hills . "Inmed" rings a bell, do you do equipment for Sonic Health? When I used to work for them it rings a bell...
  8. i had a e36 318is, but i thought they were all manual? Anyway they are over priced for parts, very unreliable now as most are not looked after, and they have no guts. They do look decent if it's been well kept. They are good till things start to break (and by god they do break)
  9. Good luck Duncan, don't hold your breath with the DFT getting off their asses though...
  10. just emembered I spotted a Black Stagea on Sunday arvo getting booked by highway patrol on Alfords point road illawong just after alfords point bridge.
  11. Oops i posted this in the Central coast section.... "SPotted a black R34 GTR @ Macquarie Park on monday, plates were XX.34.XX, and were you running high tolurene or race fuel or something? the car was smoking and the fumes smelt and were making my eyes water like onions were comming out of it.... Very nice looking car by the way"
  12. That is my point.... how are americans going to fit into the nissan cube? There has to be another purpose we haven't seen
  13. Kujotk

    0 - 100kph Times

    Good work mate, 3.16 is a truely epic time for such minimal mods. Next thing.... do you throw on some drag tyres on the car and risk stripping the box for a better time or is that a good enough 0-100 for you? Is there any info of the higher speeds?
  14. A 6 litre Liner will be a supercar in it's own right Nick, I hope you do end up doing it, and then i hope you throw some vacume cleaners on it to get the best of both the V8 instant power and then the turbo surge afterwards The dancing bananna man likes the idea
  15. I don't get them either, now the Toyota vrsion is on it's way out here.... But I guess they serve a purpose, I just haven't figured it out yet.
  16. There is a West Pennant Hills road?
  17. Mean looking and sounding ride mate
  18. 22B is awesome. Saw an orange rex in Castle hill industrial today.... wondered if it was you Nick?
  19. I don't see any problem with diesel cars, in the real developed world, they have been using it as a staple for decades. As for the apparent Jetta that goes through a litre of oil a week, that sounds like a load of bull... if it's true then there is something wrong with THAT car, not diesel cars, i'm sure there are plenty of petrol engines that have that same prob... and no i'm not a greeny and i dont own a diesel as a car, but i have a transit van in turbo disel and it goes more than enough... then the other cars are a 2.5l v6 turbo, a 3.2l v8 twin turbo, and a high reving 9000rpm 3.6l v8 so the carbon emissions I produce by myself off sets 400 prius's per minute lol
  20. R8 v8 and v10 are both supercars. other than being fairly common why isn't it a supercar though? The R35 is a supercar and it is more plain looking, cheaper and will soon be the most common supercar in OZ... Just curious to see why people think the R8 doesn't seem as special as other supercars.... I think it's because it looks like every other audi... If a 2 seater mid engined car needs two average car park spaces, then it's a supercar lol
  21. question is, why would people buy a VN in the first place
  22. gun metal or black r32 gtr with plates "keepup" up or something similar near castle towers at mid day
  23. well they are decent value for what they are.... (an over sized TT)
  24. I think most people have jumped the gun, the comment about the "street racer" thing is stupid, but they didn't say that imports are dangerous, all they said was "there were questions about the safety of some older grey imports" which is true. There are a lot more death traps like 20 year old r32's comming over with many problems, rust, unsafe repair jobs ect that have made it to our shores than most of us realise.... They didn't say that an australian delivered car is any better, all they said is there used to be allot of unsafe cars comming over. And it is implied that they were trying to say that the new SEVS sceme is much better (from a safety point of view) than the old sceme a few years ago when most cars could pass compliance with not much trouble. Really do we need any more unsafe cars comming over when almost all aussie built cars are unsafe anyway??? lol. For the record I love my import, best decision ever!!!! And the line about aussie built cars is a joke so heros please don't get offended
  25. get rid of it, turbo timers don't serve a real purpose and all they do is expose the wires you need to hotwire the car
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