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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. what a shit society we live in....
  2. do you blame them though? I'd be doing the same thing if I was trying to keep costs down. FYI I wasn't meaning it to be interpreted in a negative way, just that I thought people were trying to say that there is no difference between an R35 compared to a 350/370z when clearly that doesn't mean the R35 is a cheaper car for it, but it does give the 370z more credit that it shares some components with a budget supercar.
  3. you guys are all missing the point, I posted on here last year I bought a car, it wasn't a cheap car. You know what allot of these smart assed forum members said? I Should have bought a gtst and put the rest of the $70k into making it faster... willL, logic like yours in this forum is far between and not seen very often, why bother trying to change peoples opinion, they are mostly set in their ways and will not listen to a well thought out idea.
  4. they are identical, and nissan has no problems saying in public that the same machines and the same production line makes the chassis of the 370, 350z as well as the 250gt, 350gt and the R35 and the V series and even that ugly 4wd thing they have, is it spelt Munro or something? That even shares the same engine as a 350Z except its weaker for some reason when its in a heavier car??? Just like the same production line was used for the r33 (all models), R34 (all models) stagea, s14, s15's. Its cost effective. And an R36 wont be much more than the r35 unless they go overboard trying to compete against the NEw Enzo that is meant to be finished by 2012, new Koensigg, new maserati gt's, Lexus LFA, a possible new Veyron perhaps????
  5. yeah but 30k into a gtst would give it more punch over a standard r33 and r34 gtr. To out run the gtr a gtst wouldn't need many mods at all. Take out the seats, spare wheel, Highflow turbo anywhere over 16psi, bigger intercooler, free flowing exhaust and you'll be outrunning stock gtr's (only just and it also depends on how fresh your motor is). Thats all I need for my series 2 to beat an r33 gtr on a rolling drag from 60km/hr. The GTR will always get the better start with its AWD from a standing start. that being said a gtr with the same mods mentioned and with standard turbos pushing only a little extra psi would absolutely demolish that same gtst. But i agree with Messiah, it is a stupid comparison, it all depends on what type of handling you want from the car. Oh edit: if forgot aftermarket ecu and tune will come in handy lol
  6. was it a ninja turtles electric green colour?
  7. and that wiki answers guy is alittle stupid, pouring boiling water would denature the eggs protiens faster and more agressively and "IF" an egg was to damage the pint work the last thing I would do is pour boiling water onto it which would be likely to speed up the chemical reaction.... My 2cents, and use common sense
  8. ive had my car egged a few times when i leave my car in Menai overnight, they usually do the whole street so i know its not a personal attack atleast.... On the R33 ive had the car egged on friday night or early saturday morning, and one time i didn't get to my car untill sunday evening, washed it off with a hose and no issues and this was in summer because i remember it was warm weather. The egg was baked on the car and it came off with plain water, when i got home i washed it wth soap but there was no marks. I personally think its a myth that eggs can destroy your paint work in a resonably short time (like a few days) despite what wiki-answers says lol. If you really wanna fk your paint how about paint thinner or brake fluid???
  9. probably some sort of thick glass window infront of the lense or some sort of extreme heat risistant plastic????, i'm assuming the camera lense was drilled through the block wall and the rest of the camera was still away from the heat.
  10. must have been an american engine then lol
  11. http://www.thatvideosite.com/video/inside_...roke_car_engine Thought it was interesting to watch in slow motion
  12. F40 can be registered, here is proof, but you need buckets of cash to be able to afford to buy one and bring it over. The F50 can't get registered http://aussieexotics.com/forum/ferrari/fer...10-t6969.0.html
  13. I already spotted it driving a few months ago, a day I'll never forget... difference is you got pics of it
  14. The test is 80/20, but it is up to the subby to work that out, it has nothing to do with the person who is employing to get a job done. Do you make sure your local plummer has done other jobs before you that financial year so your not accused of being the employer of that plumber? No it isnt, there is one line, the only thing is allot of people think that having a pretend line further away from the border is better when really its because they don't know any better. A business is purely in the market to make profit, nothing else, you can say what you like and act high and mighty, but at the end of the day a business has one purpose and thats to make a profit and to survive. That is the definition of a business. If a business is sitting there spending money where it legally doesn't have to then there would be no business left, how would the economy go with businesses being shut down because they were too busy paying the gov or employees overinflated prices in tax and other benefits? The stats of a business surviving the first 5 years of operations is 1/3, the biggest expenditure to a company is wages and other benefits, then its high tax. If small businesses did everything by doing everything 100% by the book i can assure you the stats of businesses surviving 5 years would probably look more like 1/6 surviving. Just because its not 100% by the book doesn't mean its illegal or wrong. On another note who is to say you garantee you will be doing the same thing for another 15 years because you keep less short term, that doesn't make sense, that is such a simplified version of business that it doesn't hold any truth behind it. Anything can happen tomorrow, what if your employees all strike for a few months? Without the cash reserves your fixed expenses will finish off the business eventually. Ive sent you a PM about the rest of what i was going to say because I get the vibe you are implying I screw over workers or i'm a scammer or something like that who is in it for the quick $. Just because I said different ways of not ahving to do things by the book doesn't mean thats what I do, somethings you have to do to survive, anything more than that is greed. I am far from a greedy person. Either way this is the last post on this topic by me because I highly doubt allot of people here understand what I am saying.
  15. my thoughts exactly, everyone is a hater usually because they can't have one, but when they can afford one they change their whole attitude. Tall poppy syndrome?
  16. so did anybody notice that the 2 middle pics are the real Rolls Royce phantom, and the 2 outer pics are a chinese made copy by Geeley Automotive?
  17. yup illegal. I sold my old one for $30 coz it came with the car and I had it replaced with a rhino alarm that had a built in turbo timer that was bought purely because rhino said it was legal for road use. well last blue slip said its not legal aparently even though its meant to be a legal approved alarm system. Either way I have now learnt that turbo timers are a waste of money, they serve no purpose unless you love thrashing your car right untill you get home and turn it off straight away and you do that everyday for 5 years.... other than that its better to take it easy for a minute or two before you reach you final destination, saves you having a TT. You do more damge stalling your car while spinning out at the track, one second your oil pressure is through the roof, revs are high, water and oil are hot and turbo is pushing hard, next second the car has stalled, thats where most damage to a turbo comes from (other than fanging it through 45 degree temps)
  18. your about 3 years late on that discussion lol
  19. Good thing your not my business adviser, I got my audit reports back literally last thursday and everything is hunky dory. And the reason not everybody classifies themselves as a subby is because the majority of people don't have the balls to leave a permanent 9-5 job or want to give up there permanent wage to risk it all when if you make a wrong desicion you can end up broke and bankrupt in a matter of weeks. Most people don't have the guts to take a risk, and those are the people that spend there whole life pretending they are happy at their job, working for somebody else, being told what to do, struggling to pay of there only house for 30years. 2% of people take the risk of doing their own thing, 1% fail, the other 1% flourish. you get out of life what you make of it, 9 months ago I posted my r33 for sale on the for sale thread to raise funds, I was going to downgrade to something cheaper as I was in a dead end job performing pathology tests and making a medical company gross billions while I was basically going backwards financially. I left that place and started my own thing, today I couldn't be happier, not just for financial security, but also generally happier being able to do what I like when i like. The people that know me in person know what ive gone through and where i'm at today. Theres a few people on these forums who know a tiny bit about how i'm going business wise, and when they read this i'm pretty sure they'll believe what I have said on this topic is pretty trustworthy purely because ive done it and they have seen the rewards, I haven't just talked about theory from text books or sat behind the PC telling everybody they are wrong, but not going out for themselves and actually seeing what the real world is like. Take it or leave it, if you don't think I am right by basically saying there are legal ways around these so called "concrete laws" then good for you and good luck to you.
  20. its obvious nissan is already working on the next model GTR, But production stage is pretty far off still. There aiming for 2013 assuming the project doesn't get axed before hand. the first r35's were made at the end of 2007, so I can assume that a 5 year life span sounds about right for the GTR, other model gtr's have had a similar lifespan.
  21. thats why we get comprehensive insurance.... and a skyline in the same situation would have no more than a dent that could be sucked out in 5 minutes.
  22. but they did a great job with the Phantom
  23. read into it more carefully with the definitions of what a contractor is. I'm not giving away all of my secrets because I have worked hard to do what I do and not have any legal repercussions, you guys can figure it out yourselves if you think it can benefit you. But I do agree this scenario will be extremely dificult if the industry in question is a factory worker. But there are allot more jobs than just a factory worker in our society. It also says a contractor is free to work for anyone and the general public ect.... it doesn't say that a contractor cannot work for one company indefinately, he is still free to work for anyone else, but he doesn't have to accept other jobs if he doesn't want to.
  24. There are legal ways that invove cash in hand Duncan. And I strongly dissagree with the claim that "almost every case that goes to court, businesses claiming it's people are contractors loses...." I don't know who has told you that but they are wrong. Lets just say from personal experiences and Audits conducted by certain government institutions, most matters never make it to court, and it is allot harder to prove in court that someone was an employee and not a subby anyway. In my industry I make sure my "subbies" have their own insurance. I do not need to check anything else, if they have their own insurance I am protected from any legal wrong doing. If my insurance covered the workers then thats another story.... Its all about pre-emptive strategy and planning. As ive said a million times before, theres many ways to skin a cat, and the successful business people know how to skin the cat fkn good while the others keep pushing shit uphill, not daring to step outside the box of accepted thinking.
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