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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. yup i was just about to come on and say that basically there is no formal proof of work being done. Also to get around OH&S accidents and being covered all you do is fudge the books, declare minimum wage, limmited days/shifts/hours, and get the worker to sign every pay check and hours worked as being true. Small business gets benefit of saving on super, overtime pay, holliday pay, anual leave, can fire there employees for any reason and even for no reason and even save on some forms of insurance ect... The worker isn't bound by a contract or any of that crap, worker doesn't need to pay tax, can quit when ever, can collect welfare payments while working ect... also just because you learnt at uni that you earn X amount means that you automatically have to pay 40% to tax because thats the tax bracket. Depending on what industry your in you can end up getting most of your tax back. Find yourself a good asian or wog accountant who knows all the loopholes instead of just doing what they are taught at uni's. Anyone can be an acountant and do their own, just like there are many reasons and ways around having to be on the books during employment. For every business rule there is a smarter business man who has worked a way around the rules legally.
  2. As the title says..... The R35 section is about half full of people who work for tune shops or sell parts from their shops and they advertise them in here for free and admins seem to be turning a blind eye to it. If I was one of the companies that sponsors these forums for advertising purposes like Just Jap, i'd be pretty pissed off. So can I advertise in the R35 section for free aswell? It seems to be the cool thing to do.
  3. or pay $50 for strathfield car radios to install it and give them the risk of blowing your head unit. Either way google should work it out for you anyway, or the car audio section on this website probably has it.
  4. we already know that the excuse to defect is more a means to check your car for other illegal things, allot of the organised crime syndicates used to and still do mods to cars to legitamise some of their cash flow instead of spending it all @ the casino... The way it used to be seen is there was a good chance that a modded car had illegal/legal drugs, stolen id's, credit cards, wepons ect..... Now its different with the sharp rise of customising and modding cars by all people of all ages and demographics.
  5. I don't know why anyone thought the NRMA or the ACCC would do anything about the price gap? There all shit toothless tigers like the department of Fair Trade. They are all made by the government to create jobs. NRMA has no power. On the water subject, bottled water in sydney in the shops is over $2.50/600ml and average is $3. so thats more than $4 a litre, i'd rather buy petrol..... and i'm not an indiginous australian either
  6. What type of security? If you mean security guard/bouncer I can think of a couple of areas why they will only give you cash in hand, primarily because its a lucrative market with almost all profit comming into the business by cash and almost all of it is off the books.
  7. get the brand of the stereo, then search online to see what colour means what. EG: pioneer /carozzeria use the same colour wiring around the world....
  8. you only want skylines?
  9. I can't tell if its a maybach or a coppied chineese car company. If its real its worth well over $1 000 000 AUD before stamp duty, on road costs ect... Power=450kw @ 4000rpm Torque = 1000nm @ 2000-4000rpm
  10. wtf's up with the glitter paint job?
  11. I know what you mean, but an officer can defect you for anything even if its not officially a defectable item. At the end of the day your still getting defected and you have to prove that its not. So no its not correct to say everything is a defect, but everything can be defected
  12. ok now it makes sense lol.
  13. ahh also car has to be atleast 10cm from the ground...... but then you get raped for changing the suspension. If anything if the car looks modified even if it is completely (technically) legal they can always find something wrong with the car get you for not having the gear position sticker being visible, seatbelts retract too slow ect.... Its not fair but thats how it is
  14. and the only mod i can think of thats technically legal is changing an R33 wheel size from 17 inch to 18 inch aslong as spacers arnt used. But even then your not 100% safe as they can always defect you and make you prove there is nothing wrong with it.
  15. and we are talking about NSW, ALL NON FACTORY, NON STANDARD ADDITIONS TO A CAR IN NSW IS A POSSIBLE DEFECT, even with engineering certificates. This topic has been covered a million times, the conclusion that is always reached is if a copper wants to defect you he will, so best is to be straight with them and they might cut you some slack. You CAN get defected for trivial things like a gear knob. There have been people on this forum being defect for having a pod in an engineered custom made box, they may not get defected because they think its a fire hazzard, but they use the EPA route instead, and we all know that most stock standard RB's will fail an emisions test purely because they arn't spring chickens anymore. Use the search function and you will learn a thing or two, i keep saying this but no one seems to use the search function anymore.
  16. its amazing what you can find on Google search.... use it sometime
  17. http://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/showthrea...0332&page=8 "OK, now its time for my offical statement as the owner of this car: Coming out of the park, i turned left. After traveling slowly for about 40m, i accelerated and the back end broke traction. I tried to correct and then went for the brakes. The brake and accelerator pedals are so close to together that my foot actually pressed both the brake pedal and accelerator. The car spun and hit the parked cars with great force. I was shaken, but my body did not hit anything inside the car. I had the car taken back to its storage home, and will be taken to the panel shop in the morning for repair. Thank god no one was hurt."
  18. Kujotk

    Price For R35

    Mabye, i mean maybe? How come Nissan is sitting on stock, why can I walk into a Nissan dealer in Sydney tomorrow and take a new one off the floor? It is very far from most peoples selection process. Don't forget people who enjoy and know the skylines and gtr's and R35's ect are a tiny tiny minority, have you tried to sell a skyline of any model recently? have you seen the R35 used cars market in Australia recently? Dealers are sitting on cars for months and months and R35's are sitting at dealers for 5 months, I looked at a 2009 ADM R35 @ Rick Damelian at the end of last year, it just sold. The only car that they said has sat there longer is the Koenigsegg thats for sale @ $1.9million. The market isn't there no matter what anyone says, ive been looking for a new sports car for 6 months and have just ended my search. Most of the same R35's are still for sale to this day.
  19. Kujotk

    Price For R35

    If someone who is spending $190k on a nissan thinks that $60k difference is a lot of money, they really shouldn't buy a car that expensive... but then again when someone losses their car to a financier another person picks up a bargain.... as the saying goes... "one persons misfortune is another persons benefit"
  20. Kujotk

    Price For R35

    Private sounds promising if its an ADM. I f the dealers used that tactic on me when they make you go in and sit down I wouldn't waste my time, once they get you in there they'll sweet talk you something fierce, swap numbers around, make the sun shine out of there asses, make you feel asif your joining a family and all that bullshit. Its their turf no matter how prepared you are.
  21. Kujotk

    Price For R35

    ya its a bargain if you want a race car for the street thats built by nissan, at the risk of sounding like a cock in an R35 or gtfo thread, i would imagine more people who are in a possition to spend 200k on a sports car won't choose the R35 unless it 2nd's as a submarine or aeroplane or something.
  22. well i know a thing or two... it's not hard to work out, neg drive rules are easy to understand
  23. EVERYTHING THAT ISN"T STOCK STANDARD IS DEFECTABLE!!!! If they want they can defect you for seat covers and non standard gear knob
  24. Kujotk

    Price For R35

    Because for that price you could buy a 2 year old DB9 Aston Martin, A near new BMW M6, a 2 year old Maserati Gran Turismo, an assortment of brand new Porsches, Various New AMG's, A 6 month old Audi R8 V8 version, Add another $40k and you get yourself a 4 year old Lambo Galardo, Add $50k and you can get yourself a 2006 F430 thats done less than 5000km, a decent boat, a sizeable deposit on property, hire a high class escort for a year, ect ect ect.... There are millions of reasons why people arn't buying the "bargain of the year" and it has nothing to do with the Global Financial Crisis. The people affected by the GFC arn't really the people that can afford to put nearly $200k towards a car anyway. During the GFC sales of Exotics went up by 300% and these sales are still up, whereas sales of average and economy and prestige cars went down and have only been artificially been pushed up last month by most of the big rental car companies updateing their fleets last month. Also ive seen 4 R35's in sydney over the last year go to reposession auctions, so the sales of R35's are artificially higher than they should be because people who can't afford to buy them can somehow find finance to buy them... go figure???
  25. Its not a car's fault, it is ALWAYS the owners fault, same can be said about skyline drivers, and i can assure you there are more cockheads driving around in skylines in australia than there have been Ferrari's made EVER. And FYI a car will NEVER be impounded for an accident like that, the driver will get a neg drive like any other driver. And it doesn't look like speed was a factor, looks more like the driver pressed the brake and accelerator at the same time after the back end had already started to step out (which could be caused by anything from uneven road surface, leaves on the road dont forget it is autumn, wet/dry patches on the road, oil ect...)
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