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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. well you don't have to buy it then do you? Isn't that the point of owning a car that no body else has? Thats why toyota made this car. If you think thats a rip off how about the veyron? why do we have supercars? why don't we all drive daihatsu? anything more expensive than a charade is overpriced with your logic. I can't stand people that bag out others for their purchases, i could assure you if you had a billion dollars, or probably even 50 million you would buy one just because you can and your not fussed about the price, but i mean thats what a real cashed up car enthusiast would do. If I had hundreds of millions i'd buy or atleast pay to drive every car I could get my hands on purely for the experience of trying everything and because i have the means to do it. So i gather your saying that car enthusiasts are wankers by what you said? A real car enthusiast can appreciate ALL good cars, and not only one brand, R35 isn't the best car ever made, you come across as one of these guys that thinks the R35 is the only car in the world worth driving. All I ask is to think of things from someone elses purspective because you sound very ignorant. Back to thread, LFA looks promising as a supercar, but for the price i'd get the Ferrari 458 Italia unless the LFA is much much better
  2. it also depends on your cars previous history joel, maybe yours had once been tuned to a similar fuel in the past or something who knows? But after doing some quick sau forum searches I find that i'm not alone when it comes to vpower and my car running pretty shithouse with the fuel in it. Also not every engine is exactly the same, there are slight variations from engine to engine that may work better with certain fuels than others just by chance. Also it could have something to do with the different series of rb's that were produced, it does seem that more series 2 r33's tend to run sluggish with shell. FOr my skyline vpower runs like crap with it, but with my maserati it runs like a dream, shell tests their fuels on Ferrari, my maserati engine is made by ferrari, shell isn't a major player in asia, so maybe they don't bother too much with developing a fuel for older asian cars??? who knows this is all speculation but it would be interesting to know what the real reasons are...
  3. Great read Ash, But they still didn't answer why my Skyline (r33 gtst) never runs properly on shell fuel, car doesn't idle properly, don't get asmuch fuel economy conmpared to caltex/bp/mobil/united, theres alittle more ping than usual, car isn't as confident or as quick of the mark. But does anyone else have this problem aswell with their skylines with a certain brand of fuel, I know that there are only a couple of oil refineries in Australia that turn out all the different brands of fuel but the issues only come up with shell v power fuels. Ive been meaning to ask people since last weekend when Shell had a campaign of 14cents/litre off the usual price and I filled up from empty with shell. I haven't used shell in over a year, I thought it was just my imagination with the fuels along time ago but after not having any idle issues or ping ect... in over a year it is definately the fuel. The car isn't a high hp car, just the usual bolt onns, and it hasn't been tuned to any fuel. This morning I refuelled with mobil and no issues, car rolled into the petrol station alittle injured, and after a minute of idle i set off and the car was back to normal. My other cars run fine on Shell and one is a twin turbo and other is NA. I'm just curious to see if i'm the only one
  4. Sure thing terry, it all depends on the situation ofcorse, but if your knowingly driving an unrego/insured car while suspended chances are you are more aware of the situation and ready to do a runner even before you jump into a car to start driving, and can get out of the situation before the other guy you hit realises to take down a numberplate. Basically think of it as an ambush, we all know if your subject to an ambush your less likely to be prepared and be whitty enough to handle such a situation. By no means do I condone this guy who hit the BMW but say it was a brand new 7 series??? I wouldn't want to be paying an $80k repair job even if I was @ fault. This way of thinking is not right, but I can assure you there is more than half of the population who would try the runner if thrown into this guys situation. But at the end of the day thats why nothing covers you better than full comprehensive insurance, incase some idiot does this to me and in the confusion the guy escapes without any sign, I wont have to pay a massive repair bill, atleast I'll only have the excess to pay and not have to worry about a repair bill on one of my cars or on one of the family cars, because if I wasn't fully protected you could imagine the price of having to repair a Maserati even if i'm not a fault, the rear bumper costs $22k alone, one headlight is $11k, comp insurance is $800 a year for peace of mind, which would yopu prefer to pay?
  5. lol marko, it wasn't a serious thread
  6. mehhh im a fool who cares, have fun
  7. wow i probably would have given him $12500 for it.... but then again he sounds like one of those guys who would put suga in the fuel tank hearing somewhere that ethanol is made from sugarcane in Australia.... so many possibilities for your mate to get out of it without any major hassel especially since I just read the BMW driver didn't call the cops, and he still manages to not only loose money and his pride and joy, but he will probably also get rapped by the cops. Mate go find a new friend, he sounds retarted, your only as good as the people you surround yourself with.... good skill for life in general, hang around criminals, become a criminal. hang around idiots, become an idiot... your choice but i'd be pissing that friend out of my life before he gets you into some retarted shit aswell
  8. I haven't read what anyone else has written, but if I was dumb enough to drive and uninsured car while suspended from driving, I would have quickly done the runner before anyones the wiser, or if there are cars around get him to drive around the corner to a quieter road for "safety reasons" and then do the runner. if he's living at home or renting he can always say he doesn't have any assests, if he does put them in someone elses name who he can trust. Take all your money out of the bank and put it into a safety deposit box. I would first say to the guy I hit if i was caught (assuming its an expensive BMW and not one of those 80's or 90's ones) I have no money, i'm in massive debt, lost my job, not insured what do you want me to do? Chances are he'll call the cops, but atleast you wont have a massive debt to pay if you can't afford it. Other than that you can write a contract up saying that you are paying for the insurance excess for him to get the car repaired through the owners insurance company, if he signs it and you pay him the excess money, then there is no way he can get any more money from you for the damage. You still have an issue with the cops after but thats almost nothing in comparrison to a bmw repair bill. i'm not up to date with what the cops can give the driver but off the top of my head neg drive, driving while suspended, extra 6 months taken off driving. Another avenue is to cut your losses if its a cheapish car, get the car turned to scrap at a metal yard where they melt it down, and then say it wasn't him and you don't know what there talking about. Take your pic but if i was the bmw driver and some derro hit me uninsured, suspended ect... I would have called the cops straight away and never let them out of my sight but can I say your mates a clown?
  9. its unlikely the case should hold water in court, get a good traffic lawyer and just get him to create any reasonable doubt that you or your car weren't speeding or there at all, lawyer shoudl press on what if the copper recorded the information incorrectly, no evidence of yopu or your car being there at the time, no proof of what speed the actual car the copper saw was doing. Either way it seems like the copper has it in for you, your car, skylines in general ect...? The chances are that you were probably speeding 5, 10, 20 km/h over the limmit like most of us would do both intentionally and unintentionally, but for an off duty officer to say over 45km is abit harsh, how can she determine a speed of 44km/h where you loose your lisence for 3 months or 45km/h where its lost for 6 months? You should be able to get out of it even if you were actually doing more than 45 over. That being said whats your driving history like?
  10. HAHAHA i sware its not an april fools....... Maybe it is...
  11. Just saw a report on channel 1 HD that an R35 in the Netherlands hit a 7.994 1/4 mile, tuned by Z-Tunehaus in Rotterdam. running a 3.9L engine, quad turbo pushing 1100hp. Who would have thought this could be done already?
  12. if only car auctions were exclusive for motor dealers lisence holders still.... oh well
  13. had all its books when i was looking at it, didn't have them now. Damelian did say he'll service it after someone deposited on it though, but from my experience with them I wouldn't believe a word Shaun says over there, they screwed me around bigtime but thats another story for the aussie exotics forum. And N1GTR why wouldn't you use an R35? They don't stand out that much, theres a few of them around now and most people still wouldn't know what they are. Someone is more likely to notice a man of middle eastern appearance in tracksuits filling up and think it suspicious rather than a car being suspisious, Unless its a young guy in an Italian exotic car thats suspisious aswell. Anyway its done stupid high km's in 2 months, hope there arn't any probs with it for the new owners sake
  14. Yes Terry anyone can register to bid even on their own car, but usually the repo ones arn't tarnished by fake bidders. Also the repo ones usually have a much lower reserve price because most private idiots think their car (which was massed produced in the hundreds of thousands) is worth more than others that are exactly the same. Fungoolie it is ADM, but LC isn't the only way to stuff a car up, it does help though. Tyres were Pirelli somethings, no service history @ all other than a sticker that said 2000km ish service (think it was just an oil change from damelian) if that makes any sense? Still I wouldn't like to drive a twin turbo on the same oil for 18 000km with at least two sets of tyres going through the car? I test drove that car in January and it had 10 000km and in as new condition @ damelian, I last noticed it was there still for sale @ the begining of feb this year, say the last owner had it for 60ish days, 200km/day, probably an interstate drug courier or someone who lived out @ newcastle and drove to syd for work??? But the car I drove a couple of months ago, and the car I saw @ more park on saturday and Monday were two very different looking cars. Also the R35 sold @ damelian @ 10 500km for $150k include stamp duty and it was already registered. But to only own the car for under 2 months looks asif someone was taken to jail and wasn't worth him paying for a car that he couldn't use.... just a thought
  15. on the whole the people bidding knew what they were doing mainly because only serious bidders who have done their homework were allowed in, $10 entry fee kept the nervous unsure people out and most things sold for well under private/dealer sale price except for the R35. There was an RS4 with a fake bidder who won it but then they found out he didn't have a deposit, so it went up to auction again a minute later and the same idiot wanted to keep bidding on it???? Car ended up getting an extra $2k ontop of the first hammer fall... go figure? I don't know about other auction houses but when pickles is at belmore there prices are greatly inflated to the point where it is better to go to a dealer and not even try haggleing for a better price, and atleast you know the car works aswell. Has anyone noticed that internet bidders seem to love pushing the price up but not buying when its a privately owned car but the repos have no online bidders???
  16. i'm pretty sure that disposing of hydrogen batteries from the amount of prius available today would most probabl;y far out weigh a nuclear plants total waste for atleast many many years, i'm not sure of the exact figures, but its obvious that these bateries are a bigger problem than trying to dispose of nuclear by products. Not to mention we have massive amounts of desert that is uninhabited by people and even most animals in the middle of our country, at the moment we are sending our spent fuel rods overseas, we can always send our future spent rods to countries like uganda, no its not fair for them, but at the end of the day america will end up doing that anyway...
  17. ahh yes also it had no service history and it was a repo
  18. I was there lastnight, the R35 just looked crap considering its 6 months old, it got too much for what it was
  19. Money isn't an issue????? looks more like brains arn't in the posters head, you could buy something pretty decent for the amount you would waste trying to make your stupid idea work. Like I dunno, a decent conditioned tuned R34 GTR easy
  20. yup but then there would be no money put into research of new technologies if everyone keeps buying 2nd hand, that and then safety will not keep improving, economies would slow down significantly in countries where automotive industry is a significant amount of their GDP. But you are right, on a purely "green" way of looking at it. If OZ turned to nuclear power there would be no need for coal burning on such a large scale, the cost of electricity (after the nuclear plants are paid for) would be much much less than it will be if we keep chasing after coal reserves deeper and deeper underground and further and further away from the major cities. Sure Nuclear can be dangerous, but they can also be built far away from anywhere of significant population in Australia, they don't need a huge number of people and equipment to maintain it, no greenhouse gasses, don't have to be built were coal reserves are. Sure you think of chinobal (don't know how to spell it) but that is one plant in the last 30 years. And i'm pretty sure Australias safety inspectors are allot better than some USSR guys. In sydney there is a medical nuclear reactor that is within sydney city limmits, if it did blow up then all of sydney and wollongong would be destroyed, the new one is opperating and the old one lived its life right to the end with no probs. Is there really a difference between a medical reactor and a power station reactor? The waste they produce is dangerous, but there is very little of it, every 3 months there is 1/3rd of a shipping container of waste. We have unused land so waste isn't an issue for us and with every passing day there are advancements in technology to make used nuclear fuel rods harmless. Lets face it wind and solar are not at the top of our govs agenda so there is no point chasing that one any time soon (even though we have plenty of wind and sun) just some food for thought
  21. thats true, the cayman is a design of the boxter with a little more power and a hard roof, the cayene is a 996 carrera 911 jacked up, and the Panamera is a 911 stretched out. That V8 engine in the Ruff is the same as the panamera isn't it? And how the Fk did they get it to fit in the back there, good luck doing an engine out rebuild after 5 years of racing, without having to demolision saw the cars body lol. And you may think its a beetle, designed by hitler, who cares a great car is a great car and nothing can make it bad (even though the colour is alittle wacky)
  22. E85 can be tuned to any car engine with fuel injection, i only say fuel injection because i have never seen a carby operated car be converted yet, ive seen most common makes and models be converted includeing r33, skylines. Falcons, Commos, smarts, kia, hyundai. Brazil have been using 50/50 blend of fuel and ethanol for years and years now, and they never converted anything.... Alot of racecars and street/race cars are running on E85 fuel now as a cheaper alternative (in the long run) to race fuel, and actually its a cheaper better way than normal unleaded. Diesel and E85 are really similar in terms of C02 levels, but E85 has the bonus of producing less Toxic fumes as opposed to diesel. Sugar cane is the easiest way to make ethano, but really any plant bassed material can be used aslong as it has starch/sugars. EG: the waste of the grapes that arnt used to make wine are even better at producing ethanol than sugarcane, how many thousands of tonnes of fruit is thrown away commercially and privately when fruit goes off??? How much waste sugar cane is dumped into the river sytems of northern NSW and Queensland which ends up sufficating the coral reefs in the great barrier reef? There are many pro's to ethanol, aswell as cons such as how do you regulate farmers from producing crop for ethanol instead of crop for food ect... but at the end of the day ethanol still produces unnecesary C02 gasses which if an electric car running on renewable energy like Solar, hydro, Nuclear, wind energy would not produce at all. And i remember the gov talking about Nuclear power only last month. Also why does the Gov put all its hopes into one basket such as ethanol you may ask? Simple answer is there are more jobs created from cars using ethanol than there would be if cars were made to use electric
  23. also if the car costs about $3000 extra to get it in diesel as opposed to petrol (depending on what make and model it is and assuming petrol and diesel prices as of todays average ect. ) the average purchaser will break even after about 60,000km, then after that you actually start saving. But then you also have to take into account that a petrol engine on 200 000km would be in a much much worse state than a diesel at the same milage, that is when the diesels come into a league of their own when it outlives its petrol brother by 400 000km and the difference in how efficient the engine works at the same high milage as the petrol. but anyway this is off topic back to main topic: electric cars @ this point of time in Australia is a massive fail (for the time being)
  24. i don't mean there arn't any pumps of diesel at certain petrol stations, but most stations only have one double sided diesel bowser that also doubles as a normal unleaded pump aswell, and the LPG pumps tend to be next to the diesel ones these days, so forget it if your in a hurry and there is a truck infront of you, i know this because of the transit, if you go to a petrol station you don't usually go to then you don't have the luxury of knowing which bower is the diesel one, if you don't see the sign saying diesel in the first couple of seconds of going into a station and some wank is right up your ass.... well you know how it is, the guy behind you thinking hes more important and taking an extra second or 2 to find the right bowser is the end of the world apparently...
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