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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. Hey we have all had our good and bad points, you begin to get a vibe of how a certain poster thinks through reading his posts, from the posts I have seen Martin post about me (even though he doesn't know me in person), I can't say I am very surprised by his last stroke of genius. He dropped plenty of notches along time ago in my book when he first started bagging me out for buying a car I was passionate about, (and i'm not the only one who thinks this way about him) it doesn't matter what the masses think is right about buying a car and its intended purpose, its about what the owner thinks of the car and what HE and he alone expects from it. We are all adults, and we can all make our own valid choices, and for another person to be telling others what to do with their money, assest and free time is a very narrow minded way of thinking. If you want people to listen to you, first you have to gain trust and respect before you will have any valid say. I hope you were drunk or angry at something when you wrote your last post....
  2. Don't tell me what I can and can't be !!!!!!! I am A car, I am I tells you I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Well that sounds alot better in my head....
  3. thats a pretty stupid thing to say, i'd be surprised if more than 10% of people who buy cars over $300 000k mod them to track them. Ive modded my skyline pretty decent, ive only taken it to a couple of texikhanas and the odd cruise with the club. Just because its modded doesn't mean I have to race it, at the end of the day racing just kills the car and all your left with are a couple of pics and times on paper, but if thats what you want from the car then you'll get a different experience than someone else. Really that may be your idea of having a great day, but for MGS it looks like he is pretty interested in his cars, how they work, trying to make an awesome car into something perfect. The idea of building things yourself or learning about how things are done is another way how people can have fun with a car. Just because he has an expensive car, that could whip around the nurburg faster than most other cars, doesn't mean he has to prove it. There are more to cars than racing, and i do not think you should cut MGS down because he has an awesome car and he doesn't do what YOU want him to do with it, if you want him to track his car then go buy your own and see how you treat it when its your own hard cash Martin, mind you the GT2 probably costs as much as your 30 year mortgage. And the way I see it is MGS is not a wannabee, if anything there would be allot of people who would want to be him, not the other way around. MGS I thank you for showing us the insides of alot of car enthusiasts dreams, thank you for spending the time showing us how the gt2 works and giving the rest of us a rare opportunity to see the workings that make the car so amazing. Don't stop adding to this thread because one bad apple thought he would be smart to you. Congratulations on the cars mate, and your house doesn't look to shabby either
  4. hey have you seen apollo 13 the movie? If these astronaughts could build an oxygen joobywacky out of rubish and still make it back to earth, Nasa can't be using too many things different from the "Bush Mechanic" dude that used to be on ABC, making an axel with a log and what not...
  5. fk i'm slow sometimes.... i didn't notice lol
  6. RS is a shocking road car, but really its not meant to be much of a road car (no matter what the brochure says). Now everyone just wait untill the replacement for the Enzo comes out, the F70, once again we miss out on any of the good cars all because britan decided to have cars driving on the left....
  7. going to do that to the 32 Adam? I didn't see you at texi?
  8. Emmisions compliant depends on the car, not really the cat, even stock standard skylines fail the emissions test every now and then with factory exhausts and tiny cats. The whole sytem is a joke, basically cars that are more than 7 years old (average use) have a pretty high chance of failing simply because they arn't as fresh as they used to be...
  9. already gone through this in the Wastelands section, basically ACA made up some crap about some guy on youtube to promote Top Gear (which they have the rights to), ACA has been caught out so their laying low, Today tonight are jumping on the band wagon to try and get people to complain enough so someone takes TopGear (a massive world wide success) off the air....
  10. i just concreted the front of my driveway because my street has that gay ass drive up gutters that skylines and other exotics can't seem to drive over, ive already cracked one front bar on the skyline from it, and i'm not risking it on the new car. just used the old concrete tools from the garage, bought concrete and concrete binder. Did it this morning, ive watered it twice, should be strong enough not to crumble anytime soon, Trying to fix already laid pavers is a much harder job though, try it yourself, if that fails get a pro in afterwards.....
  11. and he returns, how you been Jeff? I think I sent you a drunk sms on new years eve, i remember looking at my phone the night after and i had sent about 10 people one of those NYE drunk messages, don't know if they made it out though because of international roaming
  12. but an r32 with a driver that can handle it, right suspension set up can beat an r35 around the track, all depends who is driving what and how heavily modded they are (and if they are set up good). But on the whole any idiot can jump into the r35 and look decent driving it since all you have to do is steer it and the car does the rest, not really that fun though, the bullet trains are fun and fast the first time you go on them, then after a while they are boring and predictable. Still bloody fast but boring
  13. just a pyramid scheme thing, better to not know what it is.
  14. it has mods, but take it to a leanient place for a blue slip and it wont be any hassel.... unless you are going to engineer it? up to you
  15. I agree with karl, whats everyone else going on about? its straight forward.
  16. thanks ten 4 i'm with you, The aston db9 at damelian isn't a rip off? how does it sound dodge lol? I'm just curious as to why you guys should say that? Oh and if your mums budget is $200k i'd only spend a max of $165k if its a 2nd hand car. And theres a 2005 V8 Vantage at italia motori for about $165k, looks like sex
  17. ive driven lots and nearly ended up buying an r35 last friday. the R35 is great but it is lacking one thing..... it'll be too reliable to be a supercar lol, but seriously it doesn't feel as special as a real supercar even though it may be better 90% of the time. I'm sure Nissan will keep improving the car, and they have raised the bar for the rest of the supercar world. All i can expect is cars from now on will start becomming even more crazy than they are now.
  18. nah dont have to say jokes about it, thats what i call it when i refer to the maserati, nah the r35 isn't mine, i was having to choose between the r35 or the ferrari, i couldnt bring myself to put that much money into a nissan that would only be used as a weekend car
  19. any of my silver r33 boat with a white front bar????? i was only there untill just before lunch time so if its not in your morning pics it wont be there....
  20. hey Simon i'd like some decent pics of my new whip seeing as no body likes my camera skills, or the quality of a mobile phone camera give me a couple of weeks to get the car in my possession, get it detailed and ready to look like pure sex
  21. the pics of the ferrari are on the top of this page, i'll take better pics when i can finally take the thing home, looks like next tuesday now gota wait another week
  22. mate your camera skills are amazing, ive visited all those places and your camera skills make them look better than seeing them in real life
  23. ive known people who don't care what happens or if they get caught, this people are idiots but thats how they are. If someone wants to drive a turbo on their p's then thats their prob and their prob alone.... let these kids break the laws, if they are adults, thenm they can make their own decision..... and if i'm driving past while your getting your lisence suspended then i'd slow down, roll my window down, and laugh..... then drive away before the cop defects me lol
  24. modena hasnt replied to this in over a month, i wonder where his Amway group is going anyway?
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