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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. lol sorry thats my nokia acting as a vid camera, when i can finally take the thing home i'll get some good vids of it, i'll also get before and after sounds of it with standard exhaust and a tubi performance one. i'll pm you the links when i do this
  2. 2.4mil brand new price, i'd rather buy a pent house in one of sydneys sky scrapers that has its own elevator to the top floors, 3 stories all to yourself with unrivaled views of both the harbour facing the bridge and the opera house overlooking towards the north with 80 squares of floor space...... thats what nearly 3 mil buys you these days. and it would surely hold its value if not go up in price instead of the sweedish go go mobile that looses 500k of value even before its completed 5 km on the odometer lol
  3. but this sounds exactly like comparing the r33 gtst to an r33gtr, stock for stock there isnt a whole lot of differnce accelerating in the dry, wet is the gtr's main advantage, same with gti and r32, Have you tried to drive a gti fast compared to an r32..... there is a world of diffence just like compaing the gtst with a gtr, its not all about how fast they go in a straight line if you know what i mean. And in the wet the r32 absolutely slaughters the gti, it is much safer, it is glued to the road ect.... if you can afford it and you like it get the r32
  4. don't be a hater, if the guy can afford a $500k car and post it here then good on him, They recon the 997 is directly comparable to the R35 so that is probably why he is here, also from memory he was deciding over the r35 vs the gt2. And with the r35 price tag at close to 200k, then my guess is allot more people than you think can afford a gt2 on this forum. At the end of the day if your a car enthusiast you will be welcomed by the masses on SAU forums, we all appreciate good cars no matter what model or make they are, a good car is a good car and nothing less. Besides having said the gt2 and the r35 are comparable, they arn't really, the new gt2 shits all over the r35 in my own opinion, but not to say the r35 isnt a crazy well priced car in its own right, the gt2 is better, but it also comes with the price tag aswell
  5. lol Also no p platers should really be driving turbos anymore, i got my p's only a few weeks before the new laws came in back in 2005, i had my reds for the full term meaning i was on red p's right up to the day before they were to expire so i had them for an extra 6 months than what i could have had them for, greens i had for the minimum time i could possibly have them for, long story short is i should have been one of the last Legal p platers that was driving around in a turbo'd skyline. And in regards to getting pulled over, i had my r33 gtst with the usual bolt onns and i was only pulled over a hand full of times in the skyline while on p's. Not getting pulled over comes down to a couple of things, First is not to drive like a knob in your own area or an area where you visit allot (safer not to drive like a knob at all on the roads), 2nd is there are definate roads and areas where you shouldnt take a skyline if you have something to hide, basically anywhere further west than Aubrun/parra and anywhere south of parramatta road. Mainly at night but i have seen a few defect stations set up on various main roads during the day around fairfield/liverpool areas aswell. Also brighton/rockdale are big no no's at night, and any main road heading into the city at night on weekends like victoria road, parra road, cantebury road ect.... And i run plenty of defectable things on the car 12 psi, front mount intercooler, unshielded pod filter, straight through exhaust without a cat ect.... no probs 2 and a half years and counting
  6. yeah i agree, without knowing the cop, or the guy he finned, and assuming the original post in this thread is acurate, it sounds asif he's checked the license and its come up with previously being a trouble maker, either recent speeding, other defects, maybe it wasn't the first time the number plate has fallen off, and when my front number plate on my old car fell off i had no idea it had fallen off for hours afterwards, so without pointing any fingures or accusing anyone of anything, the cop would also find it hard to believe that you have happened to have heard the numberplate fall off on a dirt track and have gone back to get it. Also two resourcefull dirt bikers couldn't improvise to make the plate be visible from the front of the car somehow.... not saying this is the case, but probably what the cop was thinking. Also unrelated to my first experience is once i got a new numberplate for a car at the rta and i couldnt get the numberplate to fit in the original holes somehow..... anyway i put it pressed up against the front window, got pulled over, showed him i was just comming back from rta and i need some decent tools from home to make it fit, he said he can still book me for obscureing the front window and for not displaying plate properly, but let me go since i have attempted to make it visible from the front.....
  7. Next texi=sway bars for me
  8. nah nick not me, did it sound good?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkhzCGqZ_uQ only vid i have of it so far, it was only video'd on a mobile phone so sound is pretty dodgey, i'm looking for a better exhaust for it aswell...
  10. sounds like its not a major issue atleast, just an annoying one
  11. Sorry they are the only pics of it i have and there from my brother on his overated shitty Iphone combined with his awefull picture taking skills, but i'd have to say the koensigg how ever you spell it looks better in pics than in person, but still the performance must be crazy
  12. self employed + no sleep + up to my eyeballs in stress + no spare time + living out of a suit case + travel interstate at a drop of the hat = interesting cars + other more important things
  13. Kujotk

    R35 Purchase

    lol ben didn't you recognise my screen name on the aussie exotics website? ive just recognised yours on their lol, small world (well online world)
  14. Kujotk

    R35 Purchase

    Thanks dude, yeah got it, its an absolute dream to drive, i'm more surprised about how comfortable the suspension is on bumpy roads... yeah i might have been talking to your mate on the exotic forums, his online name is richie or something, if this car fell through i was considering going to melb to look at his. Oh and the update, the R35 in question has a deposit taken on it, dont know if its legit or not but thats what it said this arvo
  15. yaaa, atleast the 360 can drive on sydney roads, the koensigges wheels are made of a composite of graphite and carbon.... WTF they cost $56 000 for each wheel, $20 000 minor service, $100 000 major service, Major service is every 15 000km by the way
  16. Kujotk

    Gear 'grind'

  17. Kujotk

    R35 Purchase

    it says nismo on the end of the pipes.... i dunno what there meant to look like, but i read "NISMO" on it.... and it doesnt matter if its $20k for the nismo one, the kid got it for a 21st and traded it in later for a much more expensive F430 ferrari, so money isnt a prob for them....
  18. lol fair nuff
  19. Kujotk

    R35 Purchase

    i took it for a drive yesterday, and i took a modena for a drive aswell, against all my instinct telling me the r35 is better value, faster, smoother, more reliable, cheaper.... the looks are personal preference but i like the modena better but thats my opinion, ferrari had a way better sound from its stock exhaust than the r35 had with a nismo exhaust. At the end of the day it wasn't a rational decision, I had my heart set on a modena from the beginning. Apparently the salesman said with LC it does 0-100 in 2.8 seconds and it did it in 3.4 seconds standard, the salesman had me convinced the gtr was the car i wanted untill he started telling me those LC times that suggest those 5000km on it were as i suspected last week are very hard km's. I opted away from it and decided on the modena, no i dont track my cars much, no i wasn't looking for a daily driver, i was looking for basically a sunday pride and joy, the GTR is still on the table, but maybe later on in my life or if a better one at a good price comes by. Anyway here is the pic of both the cars in question
  20. Kujotk

    Gear 'grind'

    lol whats FWIW stand for, i cant work it out. Just sounds like that its a pretty rare issue at this point in time, probably one of those things that happens to every car model, there are so many things that can go wrong that its amazing that the r35 has such few things that are actually failing on them, thje more parts and gizmos in a car, the more chance that something can go wrong. Don't worry about it untill it happens to your car or you will always be paranoid looking for something to break
  21. please tell me you haven't painted your front bar yet, then we can be twins, its a new fad i'm trying to bring in but so far i seem to have been the only one in nsw doing it,,,,, now your display pic brings me new hope
  22. is there any chance of the track being shown to us before sunday? it would make for a much better challenge if more people can actually finnish the track properly this time lol, and it would probably save time with us having to spend an hour trying to work out which way to go, which means more track time ect.... if its the same as last time i still have the sheet in the boot of my car
  23. assuming some bright spark hasn't dissabled the safety feature....
  24. ya its not an f150, its a 599, they do look gay, there the soft breed of ferrari, was it silver because i saw one with my bro at about lunch time on the m4 burwood, he gunned it and i gunned it in the 3200 and he didnt pull away. Was it silver? this one was silver.... they look too plain. by the way i picked up a black 360 today, i dont get it till next friday though its getting serviced and new belts, i'll post some pics in a few mins
  25. rego????? how did he get it registered?
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