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Everything posted by Kujotk

  1. Followed it down from the F3 down Pennant Hills road today.
  2. Catsle Hill industrial
  3. Definately not speed or red light related. Our speed/saftey cams use sensors in the road. However there is a new safty cam that has popped up on blaxland road near where dan murphys is, going down the hill. Not sure if it is operational yet but it used to be an old school red light cam.
  4. YUp but this is a "skyline spotted thread" I still get most knobs racing when i'm driving my series 2 r33 gtst.... guess it is the type of people skylines generally attract.
  5. Plates are changed recently so someone may know the car but doesn't recognise it, or if they are a true enthusiast and knows people on the forum, I doubt people would bring up the faults it may have so as to protect "one of their own" as opposed to a new commer like your self. (no offence but you have to consider the context and bias ect...) But I agree, it does look decent for it's age, but that is only from the pics...
  6. Test drive wont tell you much unless you have driven a good conditioned one before, or you know pretty well how that model should sound/behave/feel like ect....you really need something to compare it to unless you have already had experience with the model. All a test drive will tell you is if the car is the right one for you and that it is in working order... Ask Yavus at Unigroup if he does Pre-purchase inspections or atleast get him to test it and give it a look over as what skittlez said EDIT: Rego was changed last August, find out why. Seems like current owner may have had the car for only 6 months, unless he changed them in preparation for sale... Rego and ctp expires in August. It has a section 87 import aproval and engineering report number CIN3600 ( I assume all the mods are enginered properly)
  7. Black 09 GTR with plates "JJJ" at Hannahs carwash on Pennant Hills road Carlingford last week.
  8. Sounds like an Insurance brokers words You are right though, the address is easy to find with or without the video, get insurance. I thought it was difficult to claim under certain policies if the cars keys were used. EG: break into a house and steal the keys and drive away? What i've been told so could be bullshit....
  9. I can't seem to get the link to work, without knowing the car R32 GTR's are now hitting 22 years old, for a "what to lookout for thread" for them it would say to buy a car with the expectation of it needing repairs early on after buying. When I first got into the Skyline scene there were still a lot of nice fresh R32 gtr's running around, now they generally tend to look well worn. good luck
  10. Some guy trying to race this morning down King Georges this morning, Black R34 GT-t, BNQ.03Q, had a shopping list down the side of the car, GTR body kit. Driving like a complete knob. Heaps of highway patroll out today, wonder if he still has his license
  11. my guy was a mobile guy who worked out of his van, he recons he destroyed about $80 or so off memory of drill bitts trying to drill the f#*ker out... I really don't remember who he was, but he was mighty expensive and just kept complaining about the job (which is his to do). Edit: here is my thread, but it doesn't help very much, soz and good luck http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/235664-help-with-turbo-dump-pipe-snapped-bolt/page__p__4126695__hl__snapped+turbo+stud__fromsearch__1
  12. Fanning the bonnet? Engine is in the boot, and fanning wouldn't make a difference. They arn't known to over-heat in traffic (not to say that it wouldn't but it is about a 15 year old car now...)
  13. google and also search on SAU as I had once snapped the bolt in my turbo housing, had to get it drilled out, I put a thread on here. So long ago I can't even remember what the key words would have been
  14. Kujotk

    My New Gearbox

    The old tranny would have already been sent off to Japan for analysis if they didn't know what the problem was, maybe they knew where the issue was and knew that the fault was with the gearbox assembly and not with any electricals? Now go put some milage on the car
  15. Get a Modena then....
  16. I own the property... Besides why would I want people parking next to my cars... It's bad enough in my skyline with people opening their doors onto my car... Try getting dents out of a $300k gallardo...
  17. sorry late reply... E-gear coupe, only mod so far is a full Tubi Exhaust (standard exhaust was too quiet), so basically you will hear it way before you see it
  18. I heard a while ago Damelian is closing down his prestige/exotics section.... Also saw this again at a different exotics dealer from last time......
  19. I'm talking out of my ass as I am just going off what I have heard from other people, but I thought the ECU logs everything and Nissan voids warranty if it is driven too hard???? Or was that just for LC?
  20. SPotted a Black R35 at the carwash on Pennant Hills road @ Carligford (Next to BP) as I drove past, I don't know if it was from only glancing at it for a split second as I drove by or not but it seemed to have an ugly body kit on it???? MAybe my eyes deceive me???
  21. ARGH!!!! It will work fine with detergent for a while, but over time you will notice your car scratches easier, and the black paint is fading. It won't take the clear coat off quickly, but if you do that once a week, after a couple of years you will notice the difference. As the detergent strips layer by layer off it will be clean and shiny (untill you go right through the clear coat). The problem is detergent takes off too much of the clear coat and it doesn't do it evenly. There is nothing wrong with taking off some clear coat, that is what you do when you use any type of washing product on the paint work, and that is what a detailer does when they polish your car back to looking like new. But they key is to do it evenly and only take a tiny layer off.
  22. I took the clear coat off a Mercs wheels as the brake dust would just sit on it and be impossible to separate from the wheel. Tried everything to get it off without damaging the wheel, car looked crap as the wheels stayed dirty. Eventually got out the mineral terps and took the dust and clear coat off. 1 year on and the wheels now only need the spray of a hose to get the brake dust off and always look new. OP if you have the stocker nissan wheels just wipe them down with terps, they are clear coated because of the winter northern hemisphere where they drive on salted roads, how often do you drive through the snow? If you know what you are doing you can take off a layer of clear coat to strip away the damaged part, but keep a thin layer of clear coat still on the wheel. But from first hand experience spend the +1.5hour scrubbing the whole thing off by hand. It is a common issue when idiots leave acid on the wheels of modern cars. PS: why take your car to a car wash? Car washes use dirty cloths, sponges, chamois ect.... they never clean them properly, if they drop the chamois on the floor they just pick it up and keep drying and putting spiderwebbing on your cars clear coat that makes it look shit in the sunlight. I always do it myslef, that way you take care in what you do, the car washers dont give a crap about your car.
  23. yup the forsale section is the best, always someone wrecking one
  24. No worries I know the owner of this car, it's an import that is for sale ATM, this time saw it in a car yard
  25. Spotted White R35 with numberplates "JOE.35R"
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