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whyt r33 s2

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  1. just did mine the other day with the cheapy copper option as I was scratching my head after reading all this and thought that would be best so monies weren't a wasted if I choose wrong. BKR6E gapped at 0.8mm I assume as there wasn't any 11 on the packet. all seems well no major works done in my liner just exhaust and air filter. will try the platinums next as that's what I pulled out to see if there is any major differences besides cost or the coppers gapped at 1.1mm. if anything exciting happens I'll let ya know.
  2. saw a maroon 33 with twin tip exhaust (not the stock) hume to gordon and wondering if i was the white 33 you saw cause i'm armed with the yellow and black plates ...
  3. had a nice morning squirt from woden to deakin along yamba & yarra glen with a silver gtr 32 on sunday morning, cheers dude, pm me if you are the culprit ... also had a black/blue 33 wit fmic behind me on northbourne sunday arvo 2:30 ish ... and a nod exchange with a white 33 can't recall where (gordon area i think) had gold perimeters on the rims? anyways pm me, looking for a few beer buddies ...
  4. fffffaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!! damn it, damn it, damn it !!! when's the next one? can't believe i've missed it after all this anticipation & waiting ...
  5. f**k yeah! cheers for posting them up stinky ... man it was pretty much a 'liners day! surely we can get a crew together and get a full 'liners day going!?!
  6. any benefit in doing this for general maintenance/performance ... still got bits left over from AAC cleaning and looking for something else to have a crack at!
  7. unique autosports in seven hills - tell john that the maroon boat r33 recommended him - he'll know ...
  8. hr33gts - cheers for the advice but i only just read it and i've returned from a quick visit to John UAS and i've now got my itemised quote of goodies to save for. it seems like it's going to be a bilstein purchase, springs TBA. the last 33 had them on (UAS again) and all was well so looking forward to getting ém again
  9. ha ha ... that's farkt ... that's as bad as misfiring a money shot at your own face! so it's definitely a no way to pedders then ...
  10. well that confirms that! i've always used UAS and i have always had great results but i now live in the ACT, anyone know anywhere good to go down this way??
  11. so everyone has been as scared as me then? no one at all has ever used them??
  12. at a mild output of 220kwrw i've been happy enough with the Federal RS semi slicks (595's?) 255*35ZR*18 on the rear and 225 on the front - RWD. they seem to stay put if there's no clutch tappin'' but break free nicely with a little juice in the wet ...
  13. PEDDERS - anyone used any of their products & what did you think of 'em? have been too scared in the past but seems like i mightn't have any other options The situation is i hit the ruff in full lock straight on and the steering isn't quite right (nothing specific eg bias) So i thought the go might be a wheel alignment and some new control arm bushes (supposedly ready for change) might sort it out. I thought the quick fix might be pedders. does anyone have any advice as to the next steps or preferred products to start fixing/upgrading steering? Is there any helpful threads that others have seen?
  14. hell yeah the 33! even if your in ya nanna's 70's corolla kick that sh*t sideways!
  15. i'm too new to the SAU and haven't kicked enough points to PM - can someone PM me with any details?
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