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    r32 rb25 conv
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  1. thats no spacers, bolted straight onto the hub i bein offered 5g for these wheels i said noooo f*kin way hahaha they are huge, them rubbers are 295 streched on, cant beat that
  2. just thought id show u wat im tryin to fill on my 32, me 18x13" wide work equip off me 180 drift car puttin them on me street car
  3. thx for the info.. i get home n only hr left of day light so didnt really get to sus it out but r33 slave cylinder looks like the go!! i be lookin into that,,, and i got pasanger side engine mount and bracket on (rb20 bracket and rb30 mount- same as me rb25 in 32 setup).. have to look into other side tmrow arv, fingers crossed cause i was goin to get one made custom to suit from extreme engineering near archi airport, ever want sum pipes or anything at that matter see him!! he can weld a coke can lol with turbo.. i turned it upside down -- me dumb dumb haah should of thought of that but had to take off power steer fluid bracket off and still f*k all room, just nuf for hose and clamp i rekon.. anyone got any other problems they had i would be more then happy to hear about them try save me sum time... i still need to wire up me microtech Lt12 its wired to harness but still need to cut injector plugs off to suit me delphi rochester 870 injectors so bosch style plugs.. so much to do so lil time.
  4. i got a 30/25 out of silvia goin in me r32 which had a rb25 (standard) in it,, threw it in other day -30/25.. the greedy like front plemum hits me clutch master cylinder, not to sure if it is origanal skyline one thou cause it was an auto b4, anyone had this problem?? and also the turbo turns straight into the strut tower!!!!! wat else?, me engine mount on drivers side dont work with rb25 engine mounts brackets..... wen i had me standard rb25 in me r32 i used r32 brackets with vl mounts, wat has other ppl used here??
  5. problem solved ,had pressure test all is good considerin it a copper gasket i t hout so, test for carbonn she sweet turns out wen i put front mount in i must put wires to me thermo backfront, opps who would thout red goes to red?. runnin low temp now max out at 90 which is pretty good sence n.o.t. is 86?........ cheers s.a, cyas on the track!!
  6. the pump is def flowni cause i can see it flowni and it was put in not to long go.. i just hooked up the air con fan to me thermo see if it makes a diff tmrw
  7. but u would think it would cool down wen doin 100 cruizin cause u dont need the thermo then.
  8. weres ur shop 07 33 shouldl be close to me
  9. yea pressure test was next, and i brought 2 10" but only one fit with the big radiator it hit the powersteer hose. and it run fine for weeks and i drive home from briss everyday to brownsplains, but would like to go biger
  10. hey i got ovaheating with me 25 got a hugeass ali radiator 1 10" fan run fine for weeks, put a front mount on, blows a heater hose next day, bung them up to get work next day. fix heater hoses day b4 sprints seemed fine till got out and after 3 laps steamin out the ova flow!! the water didnt look like it was flowin so figured themostat, pull the guts out a old one to get it flowin , water flows. but same shit still boilin out ovaflow wit presure in hoses. and yes i bleed the air out the top till its a constant flow. so can sumone help me out?????????? $120 tow $free bit of hose $150 track day entry $123673 fuel 100 coolant look on my face priceless lol hahaa
  11. was then back cover bhind the cam gears rubin on the cam gear. runs swweeeeeet now with all its bits finally in.. thx s.a.
  12. yea i tryd that thx . hey me cas was out.. "dope " kickd first go. but now i got this awful whine comin from the inlet side. i pored oil over shit b4 i put cam cover on. dont sound good. any ideals
  13. how can i check if injector working?
  14. cam went in tdc, and the hfl moon key inside the cas was still inside the cas yes
  15. hey just wonderin if anyone could help me out i red a few other forums on here but none really got me far. i got r32 with rb25det wat did run, i put new water pump n inlet cam in standard , new battery. even changed earth to a betta place. getin a slow spark while crankin duno if that normal?, so cas workin right? tryd me spark ignitinion mod, that no good, fuel pressure b4 rail, but duno if injectors sprayin??? any help would be great . thx
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