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Everything posted by kjb_r33

  1. A mate of mine has one with infiniti and g35 badges front and rear, gets asked all the time what it is
  2. I havent removed it as stated in previous post. It beeps everytime it happens, surely someone else has seen this, or knows of it happening.
  3. No, card reader is still there, but its just started doing it...
  4. I constantly have this popping up on my v35 300. I have the english translation, and this error is getting more and more common, sometimes it asks for the etc card code. Any ideas on how to stop it?
  5. http://www.nistune.com/ordering-distributors.php
  6. PLUS, its going to cost you $95 or so for the cable, and software licence is $200.
  7. Cant gaurentee it would work, mine was an auto. Probably better off getting the correct one for it.
  8. Yeah, still got it, its a 23710 0v801, provided yours is a NEO rs4s it will work
  9. Mine didnt have it, did have the flanges and so on on the inlet mainfold but they were never drilled. I dont even know if the sensors ARE different, need to get someone to look at the part numbers. Let me know anyway, it is cheap, i think its nearly 300 just for the nistune board, i bought another ECU when i had my stagea so i could swap them over, but i wrote it off so i kept the nistune ECU. Paid 120 for the ECU and then another 100 to get the board installed.
  10. I have a 0v801 S2 for a RS4S S2 manual here, has NISTUNE fitted already. ECU, plus nistune 350 delivered..
  11. I have an 0v801 ecu sitting here on my desk, complete with type 4 board fitted. It was in my stagea.
  12. I have a nistune for sale if your interested. Already fitted to the ECU, series 2 (obviously) rs4s, 0V801 Ecu. 340 posted
  13. Cant comment on quality and fitment, but this one appears to be cheaper. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330478741615&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  14. I have a set of t2000 titanium springs under my v35, its too low. I need a set of 350 springs, any ideas?
  15. Acetone. The chip is glued to the board as well
  16. I found the same thing with my v35. I bought an app called tvout genie, absolute crap. While it did output some apps to video, the picture was useless.
  17. I had the same car, with the same thing. Spent ages looking for exhaust leaks, turned out to be damage to the turbo impellor. the out of balance caused the screaching noise.
  18. No, just like the factory one it will simply revert to the programmed maps, deleting any self adjustment the ECU had made to fuel and ignition maps.
  19. I have a 0v801 ECU here with the Nistune already fitted, you can have it for 320 delivered.
  20. NO, voltage to these sensors is 5 volts only (reference voltage). maybe your test light isnt lighting because it is only 5 volts. Try a volt meter instead.
  21. boost leak, check all your hoses and clamps
  22. Nevermind, explanation was in the link provided
  23. Anyone know if this will fit a sedan?
  24. THIS Will fix your fm radio. Adds 14 mHz to the frequency. you need to check your speedo using a gps, they usually read a little high but being in Vic you cant afford to not know exactly what speed your doing.
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