i didnt get around to it today, but the easiest way to do it, the way i did, is the check pins 14 and 5 with the nissan ecu connected, see what voltages they have coming out (use a digital multimeter, NOT analogue). one should have a voltage that increases from around 0 volts closed throttle to around 5 volts WOT. This pin is the sensor signal OUT to the PCM. Once you have found it, and you have your new computer ready to plug in, simply run a bridging wire from pin 38 to the one that showed the variable voltage.
Without this feed from the TPS, the PCM has no idea of throttle position, so upchanges and down changes will be erratic, AND, line pressure could also be low, which could cause slippage in the clucth packs and bands.
I think from memory that the 3/4 postion throttle switch also goes out to the PCM, for kickdown, but i'll have to check mine to be sure.
I'm not running the wolf, im running a motec m48, but obviously the principal is the same.
Hope this helps.
This wiring diagram is one of the best i could find, its large, (1.2 mb jpg) but very clear.
If you can, print it out on A3,.