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Everything posted by 3LGODZILA

  1. im actually workin out at cummins today (good timing!) one of the boys is lettin me borow his snapon 1/2inch cordless which is an absolute beast compared to the hitachi. got a long breaker bar too just incase.
  2. yeah its auto yeah i searched google and a few people have mentioned this method, think ill keep this as a last resort haha, coz how do u tighten it back up, obviously with a rattle gun but if it doesn't have enough torque to loosen it it may not have enough to tighten it up?
  3. i've got an 18v hitachi cordless rattle gun but it doesn't have enough balls, also tried using a cheapo air rattle gun running off my pissy little $150 air compressor but again not enough balls. trying to change the crank angle sensor on my dads vx commo but cant get the bolt off for the harmonic balancer, if anyone can help plz msg me on 0430 500 276 - will hook u up with some beers for helping
  4. my forms have been sent cant wait
  5. hopefully this doesnt turn out like SKYRYAN'S did link to silviwa page, was spotted in beechboro people!! http://www.silviawa.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62749&pid=739097&st=0entry739097
  6. fkn animals! what purpose would they have to rip the back seats up? surprised they didn't take the wheels!?
  7. curious did they take the keys or find they're own way to start it?
  8. pm me details about injectors when theyre ready to sell. thanks
  9. i know this topics old but has anyone had any luck with this issue since back then?
  10. has it got wiring diagrams? needa find the positive and negative for the fuel pump and cbf pulling out
  11. will defiantly get some front + rear bars for a r32 gtr, PM me if u can do anything
  12. by centre console do u mean the one with the lid, or the piece which goes around the stereo?
  13. willing to sell just the passenger side indicator for under $50? PM me cheers
  14. why is this in WA section??
  15. has the fuel economy gotten worse ? or have u just got the car and expected it to be better? gtr's CHEW the fuel dude
  16. im hoping its just that its farken scary !
  17. The other night i was giving the GTR full throttle and when i backed off it just stuck there bouncing off the limiter . My pedal was not stuck, this was the first thing i checked before shutting the engine off. When i restarted it was fine, it was going ok so i gave it 80% throttle still fine, so i tried full throttle again and it stuck again. now i had a look under the bonnet, butterfly linkages move freely fine, however the very last butterfly near the firewall had a plug from the wiring loom rubbing against it, now i THINK that this was causing the issue because ive since moved it away and it may have fixed the problem but ive only given it full throttle a couple times since and it hasn't stuck. the motor is built but the only part unknown is the oil pump, which makes me not wanna risk this problem happening again, any input or theory is welcome. what i cant understand is when i shut the engine off and on again it was no longer stuck, if the electrical plug was wedged up against the butterfly jamming it from springing back i cant see how it would free up after turning the engine off and on again. for now im gonna spray up all the moving parts i can see without ripping things off with some CRC.

    Rising Sunday

    sorry to the guys who were following me i nearly mislead us to go past the tunnel, there was about 10 cars in front of me when we all turned onto the freeway, then everyone started to slow down and i ended up in front, i was trying to tell people to go around as i didn't know where to go i tried slowing down but everyone else did the same haha, but we got there in the end! and got to go through the tunnel!
  19. oh that's understandable he drives a silvia
  20. what brand? and also to suit r32 or r33/r34 ? PM me, cheers
  21. hey mate is the stereo surround cover in good condition ? it also has the cig lighter and holds the ashtray. PM me cheers
  22. yep too many getting stolen, the fuckers aren't taking my GTR ive got a nicely hidden 3 point immobilizer system and if they wanna take the keys they can have fun getting through the keypad which locks out for 10mins after 3 incorrect attempts, motion sensors PLUS shock sensors so if they bump it it'll beep once or if they get in or hit it harder it'll go off, if they still have the balls to load it up on a truck after the alarm's screaming its head off the GPS with internal battery will tell me where it is

    Rising Sunday

    haha yeah i happened to find that after i posted

    Rising Sunday

    yeah us NOR boys needa organize something
  25. hey mate i cant PM you ur inbox must be full

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