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Everything posted by 3LGODZILA

  1. never mind just saw your other topic
  2. is your clutch fan working properly or just free spinning?
  3. looks immaculate mate
  4. i didnt get emissions tested but make sure its got a cat in it anyways. mine was running 19psi out of -5's, i heard him driving it but he wasnt really giving it to her haha
  5. i was in the same boat as you. i brought my GTR over from Sydney and took it over Warwick pits 2 weeks ago - i recommend taking it there! mines got cams and also fully adjustable ohlins coil-overs, idle is fairly lumpy and the coil-overs are @ above legal height, this didn't concern them at all. mine's setup for 500hp+ but the engine bay looks fairly stock like yours which is a plus, just clean everything make sure theres no oil or coolant leaks, degrease the engine bay and under the car, make sure EVERYTHING works electrically. also while your there get them to give u permits, i just did the bits you can see like exhaust, my massive FMIC and the adjustable fuel pressure reg, hide any boost controllers and boost gauges. any questions just pm me
  6. did you recently take your car to kermit?
  7. my toy Shot at 2011-05-29
  8. i personally wouldn't risk it, it does sound a bit sus though, its not like u can just unbolt an oil pump like u can a blow-off valve. EVERY second hand part on SAU has done only 500km or MINOR work lol, how genuine does he seem?
  9. by this do u mean u put it in 2nd then dropped a skid and jumped on the brake? for 3 or 4 times? yeah the clutch is more then likely stuffed haha
  10. hey mate your PM box is full so ill post it here. stupid question the gauge reads in BAR yeah? its got some other measurement written there but I'm guessing that's the same as BAR? hows the warning system work? does it light a green light at full boost and a red light if it goes over the set setting or something? have you got instructions on how to set it all up and also which wire is for what?
  11. no longer need a cat or fan shroud cheers guys
  12. 48 volt system would be great! the higher the voltage the less current draw. example a 12v system running a 100w globe would draw approx 8amps, 48volt system will draw approx 2 amps. more power to run brighter lights, bigger ignition systems etc with thinner wiring
  13. wtf is a LEBC and a DFA ? if its just crap thats tapped into the wiring then disconnect the battery and start chopping, tape up anything thats not insulated - dont want shit shorting out as long as nothing is actually broken and run through these jaycar components you should be alright, if wiring has been broken and is running through these units then u gotta bridge it back together, if this is too complicated dont do it yourself lol, it'll just make the next guys job even harder
  14. ive got an inline spark plug tester, its the shit EDIT: yeah thats the line. if your getting fuel flow the next step would be to check injector pulse, i got an ABW kit from coventry's for cheap and it tests every type. if you have spark, fuel and injector pulse unfortunately the next thing to check is compression
  15. i wouldnt wanna be 21+ earning $12 an hour! but i do agree i did a 4year apprenticeship now im qualified and im only 19. i wouldnt bother unless i was 18 or under, the award rate has gone up to around $7.50 i think for a 1st year, 2nd is $9-$10, 3rd year is around $12-$13, and 4th is $15 something an hour but thats the minimum wage. these days apprentices get a lot more then they did a year ago, u get like 4 or 6 grand all up to spend on tools, when i did mine it was only 800 straight up (tool voucher only) then 500 every 6 months (about 3 times i think)
  16. siennas in mt lawley makes a boss chicken parmy, i know its not a schnitzel but IMO parmy > schnitzel
  17. yeah i had 3 people so far offer me a cat so i should be alright with that ive got kermit coming over in 1 hours time to modify my exhaust as the decats been welded in, i really should have acted faster worst case ive got a decat here he can measure off but the flanged are maybe 1degrees off not being perfect. if any1 reading this can lend me one asap ill come to you my numbers 0430 500 276 cheers!
  18. most common cause of current draw in a factory system is the alternator, to rule this out unplug the connector going into the alternator and also the battery positive on the back of the alternator. but with such a small drain i doubt its the alternator id be more so looking into whats aftermarket. stereo? turbo timer? boost controller? alarm? crap like that
  19. i also have a couple r33 stockies but tread isnt legal any1 got a spare cat i borrow for just going over the pits? can be standard or high-flow anything's gonna be better then no cat! numbers 0430 500 276 ill buy ya a 6pack for helping out
  20. each to their own, im just saying if theres any chance it could be the turbo i wouldn't be boosting it. when i did my standard turbo the bearings went causing the impeller to spin out of balance (very slightly) causing it to just nip the sides of the housing which chipped tiny bits of the blades off, mind you as soon as it blew i didn't boost it at all on the drive home but if i did im sure it would have just smashed apart the impeller wheel completely and if it were a GTR theres a good chance it will go through the intake side.
  21. a skyline is a performance car an xr6 turbo is just a family car with a turbo slapped on
  22. the brand name parts have alot of time and $ put into research and design, testing it out and learning from there mistakes once they get it right they mass produce them. whereas the Chinese company will take the finished product and put a bit of time and $ into getting it as similar as possible and then mass produce them in poorer quality factories where the end result may vary slightly from item to item - just like the greddy copy plenums theyre all out the same factory yet some fit good and some don't. its taking a risk like joey said spend the extra $100 its a engine part ffs
  23. ill take one with the red slot if you still have any! PM me your details, cheers
  24. its just dancing to the beat?
  25. f**k sakes! they forgot to chop the tails off the cable ties!
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