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Everything posted by 3LGODZILA

  1. i got one of them MSD window switches for sale if u wanna go down that road, its pretty much brand new and i actually mean that, had it in the car for like 2 weeks then wrote the bloody thing off, still has plastic on the screen pm me if interested, i can also wire it up/install it if u need me to
  2. +1, if there were such thing as a clutch bible, he'd be the dude that wrote it
  3. we get this all the time at work, intermittent starting 9 times out of 10 is the starter motor. how many km's has it done? btw wtf is a brant?
  4. sounds like its hitting rich & retard when its cold, turn the boost down a tad
  5. ill supply and fit one for 150
  6. LOL thats a bit ruff
  7. heard him say it was only making 16psi too, and 40psi is a good efficiency range
  8. u took ur stag out yeah? i was cruisin round with the guy who sold u the sway bar(s), in his gtr, u see it?
  9. yeah thats wat i was thinking. i read on here that if it pops a hose off u can unplug the afm so it goes into limp mode and the car will actually idle. any1 else heard of that or is it bs?
  10. id be replacing all the standard vac/boost lines with silicone ones. they're old and brittle ur symptoms point towards that too - hissing noise, loss of power & incorrect boost pressure reading i had a similar prob with mine, when i installed my boost gauge a few days later it started doing the same things, obviously when i installed the T piece, the standard hose was brittle and split
  11. does is run with the afm disconnected?
  12. dude ur the one that thinks u know everything and no-one out there can tune cars, im just expressing my opinion and ur going NO NO THATS WRONG and if u actually did ur research u would find that the 5 year comment came from ur mate nik and not me can u answer as to why pre 197x vehicles dont need cats? its because they cant be fked.... its too hard. yes it easier to put out a scare tactic and say we'll fine u 10,000 + if u remove ur cat, but if it doesnt have one to start with its ok. and its not too hard to do, what did the government do recently that $1000 rebate on house insulation what if they did that to every vehicle that isnt registered with a cat because obviously its not gonna bolt straight in and the owner isnt gonna wanna pay a few hundred dollars to make they're car slower (like me) btw thats my opinion im not saying thats how it is, so let me know what u think. or are u just gonna make irrelevant insults and try and call me immature? btw im 18
  13. and honestly who are u mate? king of the tuners or something pretty sure every workshop in perth has tuned a car without a cat at one point, so they're all doing it wrong are they? i better tell them to all close down coz they're wrong and your right coz u get all ur info from internet forums
  14. haha some people. about taking my airbags out. that was a really bad example, u say it like getting a cat welded into a pre 197x vehicle will take years and years of research, but when u actually use ur brain and think about it, its no harder then installing a cat into any other vehicle. nick - u said that u like to follow what u believe in and u wanna help the environment so u run a cat seeing as its legal to, u also say u believe in japans emmsions laws but ur also running an engine thats over 5 years old which would be illegal if u lived in japan (r34s are over 5 year old buddy if u cant count) ill run a decat if i want, tell me otherwise and ill tell u to suck a fat one, if i get caught out ill quite happily take it on the chin theres a lot of countries where people dont need to run cats, and according to u some of you guys there doing nothing wrong they're just following the law, yet im doing the EXACT same thing and im some sort of f**khead?
  15. 3.5 years bud
  16. any1 know if he plays with titanium too?
  17. if u believe in something, u do it dont u? why should u listen to what other people tell you to do. im referring to the laws now u cant come on here and rant on about people not running cats and how bad and dangerous they are and then say the only reason u feel that way is because thats the law in the country u live in. like i said before if u lived in a shithole of a country where u dont have to run a cat i can guarantee i wouldnt run a cat. yes technically u are following the law but it doesnt make sense does it - its still going into the same atmosphere. im just trying to say the system is shit, too many loopholes, ill refuse to run a cat when pre 197x vehicles that are ROAD REGISTERED and that put out a shitload more emissions then my skyline can drive on the roads without cats, fair enough?
  18. i got carline mufflers in malaga to do mine originally he did a pretty good job made my 3inch catback sit pretty much as high as the standard one sat so it didnt scrape on speed bumps ect but the welding quality was pretty average. i then got rear ended and Prestige Exhausts & Mufflers in malaga did the insurance job and the weld quality was a shitload better but they mounted it pretty low like most imports have so yeah their care-factor isnt that great IMO people do quality jobs if u know them, 99% of the time randoms off the street are just walking dollar signs
  19. ok, well the chances of a ceffy's engine being over 5years/100,000kms old is pretty likely so why have u still got it in the car? sounds retarded to me
  20. not having a dig here, but have u seen a white flame/flash from a decat before? ive only ever seen orange colored backfires like a normal lighter and sometimes fast n furious spec blue flames - like a jet lighter but nothing intense enough to blind someone like a welding flash, if anything id say H.I.D headlight are worse - and 90% of imports have them. i personally dont think its THAT big of a deal, if it was it would be ILLEGAL full stop to let it into the air intentionally like aircon gas (r134a and r12) or atleast have stricter laws. how come track cars dont need cats? its still going into the same atmosphere, now i know some smartass dikhead is gonna come out and say 'but bro are you saying my lawn mower need a cat?' but you get the point hopefully japan has way stricter emissions laws then us they gotta get rid of there cars at every 100,000kms or something dont they? what if we had laws like that would u agree? if u dont would u agree if u flew over to japan? coz then you would be a rebel and going against there laws right? what if u lived in a dirty third world country where there are no real transport laws would u run a cat for the hell of it?
  21. if i saw a milf in a carpark in need of a jump start i would'nt be jump startin her without some sort of 'repayment' meh all that crap is just extra weight, if ur skylines just a daily then yeah maybe
  22. harden up and run he de-cat- more power, a shitload cheaper and better turbo response yes apparently its a 10k fine but how can they find out? we dont have EPA in perth even then is a copper really gonna stick his head under your car? even then hows he gonna see if u've got a gutted cat they dont carry infared thermometers all they can do is 'suspect' u have no cat and then give u a yellow. if u go over the pits with a decat/no cat then u deserve the 10k fine, after u get a yellow u got shitloads of time to take it off. it was said before, whos actually been done for not having a cat (in perth anyway) -ive got a 3inch straight through pipe which has had a standard cat chopped in half and welded around it (cat temp sensor still screws into the shell) for sale as my cars written off u wanna buy it PM me (btw this was used for the track only not on the road)
  23. wat happened to tenagah? closed down or went broke or something??
  24. lol @ the 25amp fuse. i hope it didnt melt the harness! its blowing coz theres a short, a higher rated fuse wont help, and ur going from bulbs to leds so ur new tail lights will actually draw less current then your old ones. u'll never need anything higher then a 10amp id help u out but im going to bed soon ive got work in the morning and ive still gotta find out if my car is a write off or repairable - yay for 3grand excess!
  25. wat mods have u got so far and what are the plans for the car? more then likely u dont need one. in saying that im using one myself - ive got a highflow turbo and pretty much all the supporting mods execpt injectors, im still running the standard ones, apparently they max out around the 230kw mark so im just using the adjustable fpr to bump up the fuel pressure a little so the injectors rn't gonna be at a stupid duty % so the way to go is to get the right sized injectors for your application coz the standard fpr is good for over 300kw. if u still wanna get one they're all pretty much the same aslong as it isnt china. but id recommend the nismo one, bolts onto the stock position and looks stock, aftermarket ones u gotta remove the standard one and use an adaptor plate/fitting and mount the fpr somewhere else so it stick out like dogs balls
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