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  1. anyone know of a good handling specialist, more exp with aftermarket coilovers, Hicas, Camber and shit like that? Have a feeling my hicas is playing up or something else is going on, i'm not taking it back to where it's been they don't have any idea.
  2. ralf, bodo. clint is working late as tonight i'll get him to txt u to let u know. Did u guys wanna just do something tomorrow night instead, clint should be free then too.
  3. dammit forgot all about that cruise too. oh well i relaxed. Yeah that was me alright bodo, just left home lol.
  4. I went down, lol was the only one there. sad panda... oh well better luck next week.
  5. Any one want to do something tonight? Or tomorrow night. I smell a cruize. But best be wary of the police this weekend
  6. Clint, what about the cold rock ice creamery there at northlakes? Just a suggestion anyway.
  7. totally not cool. I'v tried both of those now, NTN make them we called their head office and because of the nissan patent on the bearing you can't get it anywhere else. So what happens when supply runs out? I doubt nissan make the same bearing now. So $540 for front bearing and roughly $120 for rear rack, that's just under 700 for 2 pieces. Plus the gearbox, clutch, power steering and brake fluid all getting changed. so I'm looking at about $1500 just for maintainance on a car I drive maybe once a week, talk about getting over it. Thanks for the help anyway Blackers, I appreciate it. Do you think it's because my suspension has literally no play in the springs, I have sum aftermarket greddy coils in it and it is super super stiff. I'm starting to think it could be that because it ins't absorbing the shock as well, it could be it is wearing the bearings quicker?
  8. hiya all, my skyline has been in the mechanics now for some 2 weeks. passenger side front and back wheels have movement in them, i have a genuine rear rack end ordered for the back for like 100 the problem is with the front passenger balljoint bearings, the kit number from nissan is 40579. the main bearing part number is SF08A26VPX1, this is the part in which i have had great difficulty finding. There is one kit down in melbourne for roughly $540 plus my mechanics markup the main bearing comes with what looks like a metal and rubber seal the mechanic has even contacted the manufacturer of the bearings but as nissan has a patent on it they can't sell it. any help would be great as the bearing would want to give me more satifaction then driving for that price. I seriously dont understand how the rear rack end is only 100 when 2 small bearings and a seal is more then 5 times that.
  9. i'll come down with clint as mine is stilllllllllllllllllllllllllll off the road.... unless i can find this bearing cheaper, i'll be paying $540 for a effin bearing.
  10. Any one else have grief with ball joints and rear rack ends, I fix one, another goes, it's getting beyond annoying. damn facking maintenance. My slug is still M.I.A
  11. I'm still off the road until next week, thursday if i'm lucky but more likely i'll pick it up friday.
  12. I just got home from work, and there is something seriously wrong with my passenger side suspension, the 33 is unfortunaly off the road until the 23rd.
  13. I didn't make it down last night, i'v taken the last few days off for some relaxation but i haven't done much relaxing =/ Preparing my house for a party tomorrow night. I'll come down to the next one.
  14. Any liners gonna go tomorrow night or shall we leave the silvias alone???
  15. I have a stock series 1.5 manual ecu for sale. $150?
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