I hold no reponsabillity for damages occured by followint this procedure, it is given as a guide only.
Ok, ex detailers in put. Run engine to operating temp and turn off, cover exposed pod/s with shopping bag (plastic, not reuseable ones lol). If running no coil cover, place a couple of plastic bags along top of coils to stop them being drown. Wet down whole car ( alot of degreasers will remove wax and polish from panels).
Start spraying you chosen degreaser (Export stuff is basically kero!, better off with Auto Glym or Kenco or another reputable brand), start from the front edge of the bonnet and work back towards windscreen ( good idea to switch climate control off before hand). If you still have the sound absorbing pad on your bonnet, try not to get too much degreaser on there.
Spray engine from top to bottom, inner guards, radiator support and radiator/ac condensor etc. Try not to get too much on exterior paint work.
Let it soak for about 5 mins.
Start hosing from the bonnet down. Be careful of the bonnet liner, they really dont like high pressure and all the crap will drip over your clean engine as it dries.
Continue rinsing degreaser from engine bay, and also keep exterior panels wet too.
When finished, close bonnet and thoroughly rinse entire car.
Open bonnet, either use air/old chamois/rag to dry any pools of water. Start car a let run for a good 5 mins to let everything dry out. I normally take mine for a drive after just to get the rest of the water out of the chassis rails and engine bay.