I do agree Andrew, Labor have dropped this country in the shit big time!
But people have remember that this country has run on the back of the automotive industry since wool prices died in the arse.
People complain about the amount we get paid as production workers, but until you've worked a repetative job day in day out and worked odd hours, missing out on family life and rearranging your entire life to suit the whims of a Global company that cant produce a marketable product. Then who are they to judge.
Yes i agree we are well paid, about $27/hr plus shift loading, but working 3-11pm isn't easy, shit im basically going to be working for half wage for the next 12mths.
As for being unskilled labour, do they have any idea of how many fully qualified tradies work at Elizabeth?
I do agree with parts of those articles, but until you've worked in the job, you really are in no position to judge. (not refering to you Andrew, i can see where your coming from)