Penny i had a similar problem with a yard a few years back (Sensible's) Guy seemed too pushy for my liking, as in he brought the car to my place fot a test drive Rear tyres were bald, aftermarket silicone hose in engine bay, heavy duty clutch, the list goes on. Things just didn't add up! Ex missus put a deposit down, but then changed her mind on it (just seemed dodgy)Was threatened with legal action for pulling out of the sale and all. Went down and fronted the owner of the yard, had another look over the car and asked to see compliance/rego papers. Seems they had been miss placed
Managed to get out of the shit by pointing out he was trying to sell an uncomplianced and un roadworthy car (bald tyres and no compliance sticker), said if he wanted to persue it further he had alot more to lose than me. Never heard anymore about it
So in all just be careful, unles they can provide you with history of some sort or a damn good warranty i wouldn't be buying from them.