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jezza boii

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Everything posted by jezza boii

  1. Nah Leaving it AS IS now. It' just a daily... Not gonna waste money modifying a NA POS.
  2. Oh and then there's the bastards they snapped off my drivers side mirror TWICE. Need to get it fixed AGAIN.
  3. Was parked at the beach in Beaumaris (pretty rich suburb) with a girl about 4 months ago. Won't comment on what we were doing but suddenly hear a BANG BANG on the back of my car and then a Hilux drives off. I started up my car and chased the bastards. Obviously a little Hilux couldn't escape my twin turbo powah but the cowards would not pull over and talk to me or anything. After about 20 minutes I got bored of chasing and gave up. If you're going to egg someone's car at least have the guts to face them. Nice mark on the back of the car now...
  4. Yeah, that would have been me. Wouldn't have been turning right though. I head down to Dandenong every morning for work
  5. Yep + black wheels with chrome lip.
  6. Spotted Charles AGAIN driving down Lower Dandenong Rd (towards Mentone) a bit later in the day. Would've been like 5ish I think. And yeah dude, always in the Supra now The ZX only comes out on rare occasions.
  7. Spotted the banana mobile (i.e. Charles' R34) parked at Safeway in Mentone just before. Was gonna call you but decided to keep on cruising instead
  8. Yep Apparently vicroads can cure that illness though
  9. Any idea of what you could wrap on my Supra? White + CF tends to look hot. Just need ideas of what to get done
  10. I bought the car to learn in. Unfortunately no one in my family can drive manual so I'm teaching myself But yeah, got it mastered now so just gotta book in for the test.
  11. Something along the lines of "breaching conditions on license" I guess it's the same as someone breaching medical conditions on their license (i.e. some people have to wear glasses at night). "A" (auto) is considered a "condition" Funny system really. And eMsta, it wasn't a pointless thread. I wanted to know what I was potentially up for. If it was bad then it might have caused me to sell the car or something. Now for future reference people will know what to expect
  12. The answer to my question is here. Just received the fine in the mail. $117 fine. No demerits lost. I'm a very relieved boy
  13. Well she is 2.5 years younger than me so go figure And stfu Don't need your underage slappas bro.
  14. Since when did this turn into a thread about young girls? And are you sure? It couldn't just be a warning? I'm scared
  15. I've seen that on the ZX forums. Props to the guy for his creativity.
  16. I have no idea. Point is, she should be making me a sandwich.
  17. Well my Mum just called me (I'm at work) and told me that something has come in the mail from the Knox Police I told her not to open it (because she'll freak) so I'll have to wait til I get home tonight to see what it says. I hate that sinking feeling... Ugh...
  18. Nah, I had my non-turbo Supra out that night. They didn't even check to see if it was turbo.
  19. It's from a few years ago. She was on work experience. Would have been about 15. And here is her now (the car wash pic that Shan mentioned)
  20. Found a demotivational poster online last night. Was very sexist and something I would normally find funny BUT... the picture was of my girlfriend If only I could find the bastard that made it... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  21. Irrelevant. I have no comment on the age of my girlfriend other than the fact she is legal I will hold back on a personal comeback I could have used
  22. I was not issued with an on-the-spot fine. I was told something was going to be mailed out. Didn't catch the name of either of the officers.
  23. If it was manual he could have stalled in whatever gear it was by falling asleep and not keeping the revs up.
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