We'll be organising another meet really soon so stay tuned We'll do a day time one so we can get some decent pics!
As for MR2 Spyders... No comment.
Gotta have the SW20 MR2s - they actually came out in turbo!
Would be great to see a Supra. We need more Toyotas Only got a few MR2s coming. It's mainly skylines and FTOs.
Roof carpark near the cinemas. 7.15. See you there
Yeah I should've kept going. Then I could've stolen his engine from the wreck
And maybe steal his back seats too... Not sure how that would work in my car, but I'd figure it out
And I seriously thought I reversed into that Celica...
I had my stereo turned up so when you guys were yelling out "Hey man, wassup?" I thought you were saying something like "Dude, you totally just did $5000 damage to the car behind you"
I was shitting bricks! Coz I actually felt a knock. Pretty sure that was just the transmission jolting from reverse to 1st though
My bad... I think I might've made a wrong turn and lost you guys on the way to the restaurant
Nah, had to go to the gf's place (me = whipped as) so had to head off early.
Was going to say goodbye to everyone but you all jumped in your cars and drove off before I could!
Oh well, was good to see you boys again.
Will be seeing some of you Thursday night Shall be good.
Looking forward to tonight But gonna have to pass on the duck I think. Might have to leave early - we'll see.
Either way, I'll see you all at Monash Uni at 8!
Well my gf just invited me to a gathering at her house tonight... That means spending a whole night with her friends.
Thankyou SAU for giving me the opportunity to GTFO and come to this duck meet
Kris, can I leave my car at yours and grab a lift with you?
Maybe I'll bring my car... I know y'all are dying to see my N/A auto beast
I might come along because I've got a business meeting for Sunday lunch.. partying might not be a good idea..
Will let you guys know I change my mind like a woman.. but I drive an MR2 so what do you expect?
Hey, you think that's bad?
Earlier in the week I saw an Astra with a QUAD CANNON!
Oh, and spotted: Purple R34 with clear tail lights in Dandenong today.
You guys should come to this one!
All the cool SAU members will be there Kris, Chad, AP, Jamie.. and me of course (okay, that probably put you off, but come!)
If anyone isn't happy about the location/date/whatever of this cruise, then I've got another one organised which you can come to.
We've got 3 SAU members confirmed already.