Hyper gear ss1pu, Fuel pump, injectors, full exhaust, FMIC, coil packs and a decent ECU. If your engine is in good nick it will make 375 - 400hp all day every day on those mods...Mine does.
So...Motion to create said position would need to be raised and then a 2nd would be needed, Motion would pass...Nomination would be made and tada...Nick would be the offical SAU QLD troll (accept no substitute)
People will support them until it starts hitting them in the Pocket, Until the time that the defect fines are subsidesed by the Event holders (up the entry free) less people will attend.
*Raises empty coffee mug* Mr Nick,
Am I the only one that is annoyed beyond belief with the QPS and their bullshit revenue grabbing?
I am half tempted to go gas up the car pull the plates and stickers and go raise some good old fashioned hell, Just so they remember what it means to enforce the law not perform acts of highway robbery.
It will never change, No matter how well everyone behaves and conducts themselves on the way to / from and at the Event. They are blatantly out to hit us in the pockets, not keep people safe or catch anyone Drink driving. This is something that needs to stop.