Sad to see things in this state, The effort I have seen since I have been back has been really impressive.
This club has some really good members and has more events than any other Import club I have seen in QLD, The biggest issue I see is that when people have a problem rather than raising the issue with the club it becomes toxic by festering in whispers behind the scenes.
I would strongly encourage Members and Exec's to use this meeting to develop a "12 month Plan" this should involve event's both of a car / track nature and social nature (grow what we already do).
It should also involve developing relationships with the PoPo and QLD DoT to help us avoid getting ass raped by them when we attend meets organised outside of the club and to learn legal ways to enhance our vehicles.
Driving courses: Hazards and Defensive driving should be something we and our affiliated clubs should be encouraging for our less experienced and newer members as this will give us leverage with places like QR as we will have a proven record of encouraging safety with in our club and it's affiliates.
We should be looking to combine our purchasing power with other clubs so we can attract larger club sponsors and increase our locations we have discounts at.
This club has an array of people that have skills outside of what our club is about that could be leveraged to expand the club or at the very least enhance it.
Feel free to flame me into next century, I am merely trying to provide some positive talking points for members to work with as a template as opposed to negativity.
I thing the Exec's we have now are able to deliver the goods and that with support from the member base things can only improve, No one ever want's to do a thankless job so lets make sure that they know that we appreciate them even if it's just a handshake and a thanks for the hard work.