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Everything posted by RandomHero83

  1. Ccccombo Breaker
  2. Sweet, Txt me with details. Worst case we just pick 3 games for Friday and rock that.
  3. Got that Games list yet Bodo?
  4. Still yet to have enough free time to get right into it, the kids are forever annoying me so Skyrim is on my to play when kids are away on holidays. or move my pc into the media room.
  5. Oh I so have it and metro last light.
  6. I will see If I have any games with spectacular graphics here, I think I have crysis 3 somewhere that should give it a work out
  7. What is the first game you are gonna play on it?
  8. that will be fixed soon enough
  9. My car is fun to drive again which is good.
  10. I am kind of here, Mainly catching up on stuff.
  11. http://fortydaysofdating.com/ - start with the rules. Basic run down, Chick is one of those instanly in love people, Dude has commitment issues and likes to bang and run. They are good friends and have devided to try dating for 40 days...they are at day 27 at the moment and it is proving to be a most interesting story as told from each of their perspectives. Chick is kinda needy and the guy is too soft but makes for a really interesting read and different take on the conventional method of dating.
  12. *1,000th POST*
  13. Sup just read the most interesting Blog ever
  14. If the Parts are in your hands by then I will gladly build it.
  15. Weather better stay good, I need a long weekend where I can get stuff done. Some asshole keyed my car near the fuel filler.
  16. Oh they are out that way and plenty of them.
  17. +1 for all star, Can't really recommend anyone else really.
  18. Then your skyline's name is now schrodinger.
  19. It is the illusive 33, how about chipacabra? we have hear tales of it but are yet to sight it. lol
  20. Morning whores
  21. it would want to make you need a jocks change after 2.5 years of pouring heart, soul and money into it.
  22. It will be awesome.
  23. Speaking of post count how do I check that?
  24. sounds Classy
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