I know this one well, Last February I gave up my friends, the club and everything else for work and I have had some hard times since with missing out on the great people and events the Club offer as well as quality time with my friends.
I understand that sometimes people feel left out because your always busy but the true friends are the ones that are there helping to push you towards your goals not tearing you down for sacrificing your time with them.
I don't know you well yet, but you seem like a quality person and have helped with my re-entry (No homo) into the club circle. Your always welcome to come and watch origin with me even if you are a dirty blues supporter.
True friends are those that will take a minute with you even after months just to see that your doing well, I have one of those and that person is worth 30 fair weather friends.
Despite being a blues supporter and calling a maxima a skyline your alright in my book.