I have been loosely associated with the club for 5 years and in that time I have seen it go quiet and then get into the boom it is at now. As a former and soon to be again current member I must say that I am appreciative for all the hard work that the Exec Teams have put in over the last 5 years, I too know what it is like to be time poor (100+ hour weeks in some cases) and thus I understand the frustration that comes with using what little free time you have to organise something for others. Do not for a second think that we the members and non members that attend events do not appreciate it as every event I have been to with this club has made owning my car worth while,
The people who make up the membership of this club are head and shoulders above the quality of other places I have had membership, I think that the best thing for the club as a whole is for past and present execs to learn from each other as that is the only way to continue the quality of club that is SAU. Advising current execs as a previous one is something that should be encouraged, Accusations and Flaming is something best left to more private locations as it doesn't benefit anyone. Influence is like a savings account the more you use it the less you have.
That is my 2 cents anyway.