Holy Crap dude, I want that engine. That thing ought to make a few commodore owners regret their purchase.
What's it like to drive with that much power output?
I would apply for the exemption first as the way it is written does not imply or state that you can drive one of the below vehicles but that you may apply for an exemption to do so.
I like my car, It's got decent power, I selected all of the Mod's & fitted most of them, It is exactly the way I want it.
I don't think I could by one pre powered up, It just wouldn't sit right with me.
Trust me don't go the cans route, There are some people on the forums that have done this and I have seen the end result of the work... Take it to a pro and get them to work the voodoo. Best bet would be to shop around what area are you in?
I avoid the big meets now days, The SAU Club do some regular meets and track days and they are kept to Skylines for the most part but also a mix of other JDM cars, the occasional Euro and the vary rare Ford / Commodore.
Thursday night - What are we doing, who is in and who are we doing it to?
I know I have been absent lately from meets but I am able to get my meet (note I did not say Meat) on this week.
The question is where and when on Thursday?
Feel free to nominate a location (perhaps a mini cruise to a pub somewhere like Woodford to get our steak on)