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Everything posted by RandomHero83

  1. Nah I called it first you can reload.
  2. Due to Coons in the neighbourhood robbing houses I will not be coming out tonight.
  3. Will kiwibob and Clint be joining us tonight
  4. sledge hammer handle to the rectum that's what they are getting when I find them. car would of been home tomorrow lucky it was today they did it.
  5. House got broken into today, Not impressed will be devoting money and time to finding who did it. then money and time to making them wish there mother was sterile.
  6. Yes castledine this week. Ash you can come with me if you want. Troy ill keep an ear out at work to see if anyone is looking for a place as jase just got a joint
  7. Looks like Castledine it is, For those that don't know: We (the northie's) meet at the southbound BP on the Bruce highway in Morayfield at 7pm on Wednesday night and then head down to the Castldine shopping village for pizza capers (corner of Beams and Gympie Roads) we are usually all there and eating by 7:30PM
  8. This week hasn't been decided yet, we could go either location what do you guys want to do? I'm not stressed either way but I will be on call. Let us know castledine or morayfield.
  9. What work has been done to your 34 Clint? I have been meaning to ask as I am still upgrading mine and trying to work out what I am going to do next / where the line to stop upgrading is.
  10. Yeah Jason is down at the moment, he will be heading back later today tho.
  11. Well the Bluetooth is in man alpine build good products, Need to do sound deadening and buy an Imprint to go with it. the 32 got it's recirc valve put back on for road worthy. Time to drink some scotch.
  12. ! The race is on, That thing of yours is going to be insane once it's done. I am considering changing to adjustable cam gears when I do my 100k service gotta find some good quality ones to replace the stock ones.
  13. Very nice, Still waiting for my cooler to arrive hope to get it in next weekend now then get Pete to tune it while I am on call.
  14. your looking at the following for an R33 Gts-t Rotors: Front (slotted pair) $495 Rear (Unable to source any) Pads: Front bendix ultimate $109 Rear bendix ultimate $150 Sourced from justjap.com - someone else may have better pricing available.
  15. Contact FineLine on here he is the QLD club president he will sort out the mebership issue. Nah i'm not stressed I will be up to my ears in intercoolers soon enough.
  16. damn u bodo now i went out and brought a [s3 so i can play GT5
  17. Can't missus has too much on and to go without her is poking the bear with a pointy stick.
  18. If this rain goes away I am looking to get my car wash on. We have a wash bay at work with a lovely pressure cleaner, let me know who is in byo bucket, soap and wash cloth and bikini girls if you manage to find some. Might do an arvo bbq or something if someone has one in good order and the weather prevails
  19. Wednesday nights at the moment as people generally have had busy Thursday's but we may be changing it back to Thursday nights, We usually alternate between Castledine shopping complex (Pizza Capers) and Morayfield (Indian Brothers or Fasta Pasta) as most of our members are North based. Tonight's meeting was canned due to everyone having work or family commitments so we will go again next week or potentially organise something for the weekend (maybe some car care as mine is desperate for a wash and I have access to unlimited water and a pressure cleaner) Feel free to make suggestions for cruises, meets and such were a pretty social lot.
  20. Scratch tonight only 2 people able to make it we will reschedule for next week and see how we go.
  21. Money is not a bad thing tho ash then u can do the exhaust and front mount.
  22. Always welcome, Can't blame you for getting your German on tho.
  23. Thinking about doing V8 day for fathers day 11 laps around QR in a fully decked race car. I think the happy laps have gotten to me
  24. Yeah I have been slack again this week in trying to find something that we can all have fun with but after happy laps a nice cruise down to castledine to tell Chris about what he missed out on will be good. When this rain buggers off we should look at our Eumundi cruise
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